Thursday, 17 January 2013

Come Join the Bloody Valentine Blog Hop!

This February 14th I'm hosting a trash Valentine's Day blog hop. For one day writers and bloggers will dispense with the sappy romance and show you the bad side of love. Come be part of the fun!

We will be celebrating heartbreak, love gone wrong, romantic mayhem and tragedy, hopefully with that little splash of humour and blood.  There will also be prizes to be won, so sign up to be a participant or mark it on your calender.  

If you wish to be one of our bloggers, please click over to the Linky List and sign up. You can also put the list on your own blog by getting a copy of the code (it's the easiest way for people to find all the hoppers come Feb 14th).

The Hop is Now Ended.
Here's a List of the bloggers who participated:


Ken Weene said...

As a writer I'd happily do a guest blog for somebody for that event, but I don't have a blog myself. What -- if anything -- do you suggest.

A. F. Stewart said...

If you have a website you can post from that would work. To sign up on the Linky List you just need to fill in the name of a blog or website and its title.

Holly Jahangiri said...

Oh, I'm not at all fond of Valentine's Day... this may prove too tempting to resist.

A. F. Stewart said...

You're always welcome, Holly, if you give in to temptation.

Anonymous said...

I'm on board. I'm thinking of posting a short - but gruesome - valentine tale - along with a link to my Kindle e-book Valentine collection - BAD VALENTINES.

A. F. Stewart said...

Glad you're joining, Steve. Can't wait to read your post.

Sheila Deeth said...

So, we just post a dark valentine on Feb 14? Yes, I'd like to join in.

A. F. Stewart said...

Yes, Sheila that's basically it. You do need to sign up on the Linky List (just click on the link and add your blog name and link) and you can offer a prize to readers if you like (but that is not mandatory).

Bestiary Parlor: The Musings of a Zoologist Turned Author said...

Hi, I would love to discuss the origins (not so romantic). How do I include my blog? I'll do the linky thing.

A. F. Stewart said...

Eva, great of you to join. Signing up on the Linky list is all you need to do to include your blog on the hop, (plus you can get the list code to add to your own blog). Then you just post on the 14th.

Geoff Wakeling said...

Great Blog Hop idea. I've signed up, but am not able to get the link code to work...I'm using the second script, but it posts a link to Linky and not the blog hop list. Any ideas?


A. F. Stewart said...

Geoff, I can't say I'm too familiar with how Wordpress works. Where were you posting the code?

Geoff Wakeling said...

I was posting into the post page, using the HTMML option. It DID look as if it was posting, but it wasn't posting the linky list above.

Have just had fiddle...seems the code hadn't been customised for this blog hop list. I think I've sorted it now. :D

A. F. Stewart said...

Yes, those codes can be tricky sometimes; hope things are working now.

Michael Brookes said...

Looking forward to tomorrow, I've written a shart story especially for the occasion!

A. F. Stewart said...

It should be fun.
Oh, and if anyone wants to use the new logo I added to this post feel free.

Keith Pyeatt, author of paranormal thrillers said...

Looks great. I have a short story scheduled to post tomorrow. I'm on a skiing trip now, but I may be able to add the logo tonight before it posts. Have fun.

Michael Brookes said...

I've posted mine:

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