Thursday, 26 April 2018

A Spotlight and Interview for the Monster Huntress Blog Tour

Today the blog joins the tour for the new YA fantasy book release, Monster Huntress by David Wiley. The book is a YA fantasy, and the first in The Young Huntress series. I have a look at the book, plus an interview with the author. Enjoy!

Monster Huntress (The Young Huntress Series Book 1) by David Wiley

Consecrated with her mother’s blood and blessing.

The world tells Ava she’s just a little girl who should know her place, but Ava wants a sword not a crown.
Ava and her father are following in her mother’s footsteps, hunting monsters in the 13 Kingdoms, seeking revenge for her mother’s untimely death. Little do they know that the monster responsible is building up a dangerous force. When The King requests the help of Ava’s father in exchange for her becoming a princess, Ava is not pleased. Can Ava escape her fate and the obnoxious prince of Harborg to live the life she’s always known, or will the dark plans of the monster catch her in his trap.

David Wiley combines the action of Tomb Raider with the fantastical elements of The Witcher to create the exciting world of The Young Huntress high fantasy series.

Track down Monster Huntress today and slay your need for good fantasy.

Monster Huntress is available on Amazon

An Interview with Author David Wiley

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I grew up around stories. I would frequently bring stacks of books to his mother at bedtime, always eager to have another book read before bed. Several decades have passed since those days, but little has changed: I still have a passion for stories. I am a complete and total storyteller at heart, and that is always where I find my enjoyment. I would still tell stories even if I knew no one would ever read them because that is the way I am wired.

When I’m not writing, I can often be found enjoying the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Sarah J. Maas, and many others. I also like to delve into the literature of the Anglo-Saxons, such as Beowulf, and the Icelandic Sagas.

During my free time I also like to sit around a table with others, pulling out modern board games such as War of the Ring, Mage Knight, Lignum, A Feast for Odin, and many other games.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

The world tells Ava she’s just a little girl who should know her place, but Ava wants a sword not a crown.
Ava and her father are following in her mother’s footsteps, hunting monsters in the 13 Kingdoms, seeking revenge for her mother’s untimely death. Little do they know that the monster responsible is building up a dangerous force. When The King requests the help of Ava’s father in exchange for her becoming a princess, Ava is not pleased. Can Ava escape her fate and the obnoxious prince of Harborg to live the life she’s always known, or will the dark plans of the monster catch her in his trap.

Do you have a favourite character? If so, why?

Ava, for sure. I fell in love with her character when I first penned her to life in Ogre Hunt. My heart and soul has poured into her story, and I hope to someday have my own little girl who can be inspired by the fiery young protagonist. She is not so much a reflection of who I am, but rather a picture of what I hope my daughters would be: bold, strong, persistent, motivated.

Why did you write this book? What was your inspiration?

There are so many great stories out there now with female protagonists, so I’m not breaking new ground here, but there can never be too many books featuring a strong female lead. My son can walk into any library or bookstore and grab a fantasy book that has a hero he can identify with and strive to be like. I wanted to make sure my daughter, should God bless me with one, will have that same opportunity. 
So really, in a way, this book has always been for her. The little girl I’ve dreamed of being a father to, bonding together in a way that only a father and a daughter can bond. I wanted to make sure she could find those books that she could fantasize about and reenact with her friends much like I used to do with the Star Wars movies. If she wants to hunt down monsters, I’ll happily provide her with the sword and let her imagination take her places that I’ve dreamed up in print.

What did you hope to accomplish by publishing your book?

Honestly, to spread the story I love to readers. If one person reads and loves the story, then I’ve been successful at my mission. Obviously, I’d love to reach a larger audience but it isn’t about becoming rich and famous for me. I want to find readers who love the type of stories that I enjoy writing. My sincere hope is that this story reaches those people, and that they would find ways to contact me and let me know their reaction to this book.

Can you tell us about your writing process? Where do your ideas originate? Do you have a certain writing routine?

Writing time is a premium for me most days. A lot of my focus, lately, has been more on revisions and marketing – both important tasks but far from what I want to do. I like to go on walks to generate ideas, as there is something inspiring about being outdoors. I also am a huge fan of writing prompts, as they often form little nuggets of ideas that can roll into larger plot points later. At worst, I can flesh out some worldbuilding that takes place in another place or time from my main series.

Do you have a favourite author, or writing inspiration?

It would be Tolkien, particularly inspired by his main trio of books: The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. At this point in time I don’t even know which one is more of an impact, but I am continually rereading and diving into everything Tolkien created. While they come through in more subtle flavors in a work like Monster Huntress, you can see some of the narrator humor from The Hobbit layered into a shorter work of mine: A Merchant in Oria.

What advice would you give beginning writers?

Just write. Your first draft doesn't have to be perfect. Stopping to clean up every detail in Chapter One until it is perfect will prevent you from ever reaching Chapter Two. Power through the story while it is fresh in your mind and the creativity is flowing. The rest can be added, subtracted, or fixed later. After it is finished.

What do you like to do when you're not writing? Any hobbies?

I play a lot of board games. Not your Monopoly or Clue or Risk, but the modern era of board games. We're in a renaissance of gaming right now, and there are few things I enjoy more than sitting at a table with other people and playing a game like War of the Ring, Castles of Burgundy, Kingdom Builder, or Mystic Vale (to name a few).

About the Author

David Wiley is an author of science fiction and fantasy stories, choosing to write the stories that he would love to read. His first fantasy novel, Monster Huntress, will be published by OWS Ink, LLC. in April 2018. His novella, A Merchant in Oria, is set in the same fantasy world but follows a different cast of characters on an adventure that challenges the notion of what it takes to be a hero.

His short fiction has previously been published in Sci Phi Journal, OWS Ink, and King Arthur anthologies by Uffda Press and 18th Wall Productions. David resides in central Iowa with his wife and son, and spends his time reading, writing, and playing board games.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Book Spotlight: Anaerfell and the Thrice Nine Legends

Today I revisit an epic fantasy book, Anaerfell, by Joshua Robertson and J.C. Boyd (now available for free) as well as spotlight the authors' entire Thrice Nine Legends book series (now in a digital box set). Enjoy.

And now a word from the author...

After nearly twenty years since its conception, the first volume of the Thrice Nine Legends Saga is finally complete. Delve into NINE epic tales, spanning over 1000 years of history and 2000 pages, with death-defying characters and grimdark schemes, which frequently explore the darker side of humanity. Based on Slavic folklore and legend, Thrice Nine Legends will stay with you long after the last page is turned.

In celebration, the internationally award-winning story and the first book in the saga, Anaerfell, is free wherever books are sold.

Anaerfell (The Blood of Dragons: Book 1)

2017 International Award-Winning Novel in Epic Fantasy

Drast and Tyran might be considered a bit black-hearted, or even immoral. Drast is cunning but reckless, hunting for admiration. Tyran is calculating but tactless, searching for affection. When the two brothers set aside their ambitions to fulfill their father's desire for immortality, they readily discover many opportunities for redemption. Now, while wielding a powerful magic that drains their life, Drast and Tyran will embark on a maddening quest, facing skin-switchers, dragons, and the God of the Dead.

Available free at:

While the first ennead of books in Thrice Nine Legends can be read separate of one another, the following is the chronological reading order for full enjoyment. You can search for any of the books anywhere books are sold.

Anaerfell, The Blood of Dragons, Book 1
Warden of the Ash Tree
The Highborn Longwalker
Melkorka, The Kaelandur Series, Book 1
When Blood Falls
Dyndaer, The Kaelandur Series, Book 2
The Name of Death
Maharia, The Kaelandur Series, Book 3
Heshayol, The Blood of Dragons, Book 2

Readers may also choose to purchase the first volume set, adding this awesome collection to their digital bookshelf.

Thrice Nine Legends Saga: Volume I

Despite the risk of destroying the Ash Tree and the world along with it, two brothers are sent by their scheming father to slaughter the god of death with hopes of living forever.
The first ennead of books in the Thrice Nine Legends Saga has been brought together into one awesome collection.
Inside you will find The Blood of Dragons Series, The Kaelandur Series, and the short stories in between that follow evil brothers, courageous slaves, and unique heroes in a unique fantasy world. Spanning thousands of years and thousands of pages, this dark tale will leave you breathless.

You can find this nine volume set at:

About the Authors

Joshua Robertson was born in Kingman, Kansas on May 23, 1984. A graduate of Norwich High School, Robertson attended Wichita State University where he received his master’s in social work with minors in psychology and sociology. His bestselling novel, Melkorka, the first in The Kaelandur Series, was released in 2015. Known most for his Thrice Nine Legends Saga, Robertson enjoys an ever-expanding and extremely loyal following of readers. He counts R.A. Salvatore and J.R.R. Tolkien among his literary influences.

J.C. lives in the Midwest with his wife and two dogs and has an M.A. in English Literature. The first novel in his world, Blood and Bile, was released in 2017. Before completing junior high, J.C. had received his first box set of Dungeons & Dragons and devoured J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Since, he has been heavily influenced by a myriad of fantasy authors, such as Weis and Hickman, Robert Jordan, and Ed Greenwood.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Book Spotlight: Darling Girls

Today, I have a terrific book spotlight for you, with the new release, Darling Girls by Thorne and Cross. This is the first book in the vampire horror series, The Vampires of Candle Bay and Crimson Cove. Enjoy.

Darling Girls by Thorne and Cross (Tamara Thorne and Alistair Cross)

Fang Meets Fang

The vampires of Candle Bay and Crimson Cove come together for the Biting Man Festival in Eternity, California, to celebrate a centuries-old tradition that quickly turns murderous as they’re faced with old enemies, uncontrolled bloodlust, and the unpredictable antics of a self-proclaimed vampire slayer who is hellbent on destroying them all.

Darling Girls (The Vampires of Candle Bay and Crimson Cove Book 1) is available on Amazon

About the Authors

Tamara Thorne's first novel was published in 1991, and since then she has written many more, including international bestsellers Haunted, Bad Things, Moonfall, Eternity and The Sorority. A lifelong lover of ghost stories, she is currently working on several collaborations with Alistair Cross as well as an upcoming solo novel. Learn more about her at:

Alistair Cross grew up on horror novels and scary movies, and by the age of eight, began writing his own stories. First published in 2012, he has since co-authored The Cliffhouse Haunting and Mother with Tamara Thorne and is working on several other projects. His debut solo novel, The Crimson Corset, was an immediate bestseller. Find out more about him at:

Together, Thorne and Cross also host the popular radio show, Thorne & Cross: Haunted Nights LIVE!, which has included such guests as Anne Rice of The Vampire Chronicles; Laurell K. Hamilton of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter novels; world-wide bestseller, V.C. Andrews (Andrew Neiderman); Charlaine Harris of the Southern Vampire Mysteries and basis of the HBO series, True Blood; Jeff Lindsay, author of the Dexter novels that inspired the hit television series; #1 New York Times bestseller, Kim Harrison; Peter Atkins, screenwriter of Hellraiser: 2, 3, and 4; Mick Garris, film director of Hocus Pocus, Psycho IV: The Beginning, and Stephen King’s The Stand; and New York Times bestsellers Preston & Child, Christopher Rice, Jonathan Maberry, and Christopher Moore.  

Praise for Thorne and Cross:

“Put Bram Stoker in a giant cocktail shaker, add a pinch of Laurell K. Hamilton, a shot of John Carpenter, and a healthy jigger of absinthe, and you’ll end up with Alistair Cross’s modern Gothic chiller, “The Crimson Corset” - a deliciously terrifying tale that will sink its teeth into you from page one.” - Jay Bonansinga, New York Times Bestselling author of THE WALKING DEAD: INVASION and LUCID

“Think Mario Puzo meets Anne Rice … Balance is what Thorne does best ... (Candle Bay) is a love story. A mob story. A family drama. A wise combination of creepy, thrilling, titillating, and good old vampire fun ..." -Michael Schutz, Darkness Dwells Radio

“A great combination of strong characters that remind me of my V.C. Andrews characters, wonderful creepy twists, and a plot that will recall Mommie Dearest in an original take that shocks and delights at the same time. This is a full blown psychological thriller worth the investment of time and money.” - Andrew Neiderman, Author of The Devil's Advocate and the V.C. Andrews novels

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Welcome to the B2BCYCON and Midnight Thrills, Midnight Chills

Welcome to the Horror/Thriller Website Tour
Brain to Books Cyber Convention and Book Expo

B2BCYCON 2018 Midnight Thrills, Midnight Chills

I'm taking part in the convention this year with my horror poetry book, Horror Haiku Pas de Deux.

Ravens, black as night
Her friends, comfort as she walks
Revenge is endless

Silence has fallen
grey ash rains from the skies
after the world’s end

Horror Haiku Pas de Deux

In the shadows—voices.
Calling, screaming, moaning.
Countless tongues telling tales...
of Hell
of Monsters
and Unnatural Things

Come chase the dark words, fall into the spell of terror and sit with the poetic weaver as you watch the world burn. Horror Haiku Pas de Deux is a volume of poetry mixing horror with haiku and verse to chill your bones.
Poetic beauty lives forever with the undead.

Available Now

And you can download my first horror poetry book Horror Haiku and Other Poems or the two book box set of my Killers and Demons series free from the B2BCyCon 2018 Horror/Thriller Giveaway

Check out the Giveaway!

And you can also check out some of my other events:

B2BCYCON Trade Show Booth

Daisy Chain Story

Book Expo

Character Tournaments (Go Vote!)

Cover Wars (Go Vote!)

Video Panel Discussion
(Gender Roles in the Horror and Thriller Genres)

Here's a little Video Book Interview I did with myself.

And here is the entire lineup of the Horror/Thriller Website Tour Authors.
Some of the links will not go live until April 6th.

A. F. Stewart
K. Matt
Carmilla Voiez
Naching Kassa
KM Pohlkamp
Alice de Sampaio Kalkuhl
Brenda Mohamed
Susanne Leist
Tiffany Apan
C. Bilic

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