
Thursday 17 November 2011

An interview with author Terra Harmony

Today on the blog I'm doing another guest interview, this time with fantasy writer, Terra Harmony.

An Interview with Terra Harmony

1. Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I am a Colorado native, where I lived through high school. Since then I have lived in California, Texas, Utah, and North Carolina thanks in part to my days in the Marine Corps. Right now I reside in Virginia, in the suburbs of DC. I love to write, read, play piano and snowboard – all of which I have very little time for. Oh – and I have three kids running around here somewhere.

2. Can you tell us about your book, Water.

Water is a contemporary eco-fantasy. Not to throw too many buzz words at you, but it does have a little paranormal romance mixed in. The main character, Kaitlyn, finds herself involuntarily introduced to a life of magic. After she learns of her powers to control natural elements, an organization hell-bent on saving the earth discovers her. She falls in love with the man in charge, Micah, before she even knows if she can trust him. Micah's best friend and partner goes rogue and kidnaps Kaitly, and the most terrifying man the human race has to offer now stands between her and Earth's survival.

3. You describe Water as a contemporary eco-fantasy. Could you elaborate on that?

It's the 'eco' part that caught your attention, isn't it? Don't worry, my book isn't one big long lecture about how to do the planet good. It is above all a fantasy novel, with just a few short lectures on how to do the planet good sprinkled throughout. I hope eco-fantasy becomes a thing, or at least a bigger thing. I have petitioned Goodreads and Amazon to add the genre to their lists. It is not totally self-serving. I like our planet; and I like fantasy books. I'm assuming Amazon does too?

4. What appeals to you most about writing in the fantasy genre?

The creation part of it. With fantasy, anything goes. For example, I am currently writing the sequel to 'Water'. After a four month-long separation, Micah meets Kaitlyn coming off a plane. She had just been airsick, and has vomit on her shirt. Next to them, the fuel truck is gassing up the plane and another truck is emptying the bathrooms. You can imagine what the air smells like around them. I thought, 'what would shock Kaitlyn the most right now'? So Micah proposes to her. When I started the chapter, or even the book, I hadn't planned it. But it felt perfect in a not so perfect way – if you know what I mean, so I went with it. I just hope everyone else loves these creations as much as I do.

5. Can you tell us about your writing process? Where do your ideas originate? Do you have a certain writing routine?

Well, it's November. Which means NaNoWriMo time. I have a full time job and three kids, so currently my writing schedule consists of an hour before the kids wake up and an hour after they go to bed. I can get about 2,000 words per day done. This is do-able; I just might be able to keep this up on a permanent basis. That is, until I make enough money off my books to quit my day job.

6. As an indie author, what challenges have you faced in publishing your work?

Indie authors have to be so much more than just writers. They have to be salesmen, technology geeks, creative marketers, and the list goes on and on. Each day, I learn something new about how to self-publish and market books all on my own. But the community has been great; everyone is so willing to share their tips, tricks, and hints for everything that has or hasn't worked.

7. Do you write exclusively in the fantasy genre or have you branched out into other areas? And if so why?

Just fantasy for now. I love the genre. However, I do have ideas running around my head in the form of a biography about my dad who has dementia, and also a new blog about the 'motherhood' portion of my life (this would be an outlet that allows me to keep 'cute things my kids said' separate from my publishing career). But those will all come much, much later. For now, I am working hard on finishing all five books in the Akasha Series and all five short stories in the Kindred Curse Anthology.

8. What advice would you give to other writers?

Build a support system; fellow writers, motivators, editors, cover artists, critiquers (ßand case in point, grammar/spelling experts). You can't go it alone, and neither can your spell check.

9. Who has been the biggest inspiration to you as an author?

The 1% - I want to be one of them. Just kidding, just kidding. As far as other authors go, it has to be Diana Gabaldon. Her historical romances are so well written, planned, and researched; I am in awe every time I go back to another one of her books.

10. What’s next for you?

An ice cream sandwich. And then maybe just a few more hundred words before bedtime…

You can find Terra on:
Her Blog-
Twitter: @harmonygirlit

You can find her book, Water, on: Amazon, Smashwords, and B&N.


  1. Hello Terra, love the cover and the story sounds awesome. I've added it to my tbr list.

  2. What a fantastic cover, and I really like the sound of your story. I'll go for a coffee while you have that ice cream sandwich--too cold for ice cream.

  3. Thanks, guys! I've received a lot of great compliments on my cover (done by artist Keary Taylor - also an indie author, by the way). Hope you enjoy the book and be sure to let me know what you think!

  4. Terra, you have great energy and a zippy attitude toward creation and getting things done in your busy life. I like the term eco-fantasy. I also wrote an eco-fantasy called Swamp Walking Woman. It's a good romp. You can take a look at the cover on amazon. Just search books and Trish Lapidus. I took the photo. Your covers, BTW, are excellent. Did you get help with the art?

  5. Hi Trish, thanks for your comments! I did hire someone to do my cover but she was very responsibly priced (see Have you checked out the eco-fiction group on Goodreads? You should join and add your book to the group shelf!
