
Wednesday 12 October 2016

Drabble Wednesday: #OctoberFrights Edition

Welcome to Day 3 of the October Frights Blog Hop!

And to the very special October Frights Edition of Drabble Wednesday!

Prepare for a trio of macabre tales full of bloody chills and spooky thrills.

Plus, there are Giveaways!

Now on with the stories...

Be Very Quiet

The sound of rapid breathing is very loud in my ears.
It’s mine.
I steady myself. I have be quiet. No noise as I make my way through the house. I don’t want to call attention to myself. I just need to find the front door. I’m close, I can feel it. It won’t be long. I’m nearly there. I can do this. Step by silent step, until...
Wait. I can see a faint sliver of light reflecting through the front hall window.
And a crawling shadow.
Yes. I’ve found her.
My hand tightens on the knife and I smile.


A Little Rhyme, A Little Blood

“Hickory dickory dead,
Daddy did hit his head.
I smashed and I bashed
as Mother did gasp,
and over the floor he bled.”

Amelia giggled as she finished her rhyme, while her trussed up mother whimpered in the corner.
“Did you like my poem, Mother?”
No answer.
Amelia stepped over her father’s corpse, and walked through his brain matter to kneel beside her mother, a bloody crowbar in her hand.
She repeated, “Did you like my poem, Mother?”
This time a shaky voice answered, “Yes, Amelia. It was very clever.”
“Good. I don’t want to have to kill you yet.”


By the Moon

Do you see me?
I want to pretend I don’t hear the voice, or see the dark haired woman at the edge of the mist and moonlight. But it won’t matter. She’ll still be there... haunting me.
Why won’t she go away?
I felt sorry for her at first, always hovering around the gravestones after midnight, calling into the darkness. How could I not respond to her? I thought if I talked to her, she’d find peace.
Instead she found obsession.
Now I can’t be rid of her.
What’s a ghost to do when the living won’t leave them alone?

© A. F. Stewart 2016 All Rights Reserved

And now for the Giveaways!

You can check out my Halloween Horror Haiku Giveaway! (live until October 31st) by clicking on the Giveaway Tab at the top of the blog or this link: Halloween Horror Haiku Giveaway!

And here's my October Frights Book Giveaway!

And now you can continue on your journey, and check out the rest of the Blog Hop and the delights these wonderful people have in store.


  1. So nice to read your words. This is what I love about the blog hop. Thanks for sharing. :) Have a lovely Day 3 x

  2. Great flash fiction - My fav is Be Very Quiet - a nice twist making what you think is the hunted, the hunter :)

  3. Thanks, "By the Moon" was fun to write.

  4. Thanks Debbie, I do like writing those twist endings.

  5. Chilling pieces. I especially enjoyed 'A Little Rhyme, A Little Blood'. That one was very dark ;)
