Monday, 16 August 2010

Definitely pick up these Loose Screws!

My Review of the book Loose Screws by Gerry Tortorelli:

Loose Screws by Gerry Tortorelli is an amusing, irreverent look at life and family and reminded me a great deal of Dave Barry’s writing, with that same funny slice-of-life style.

"One of the traits I admire in this friend is that he never sweats the small stuff. He doesn't even sweat the big stuff. He has as even a keel as anyone I know."

The book is comprised of short, autobiographical anecdotes that form a piecemeal memoir of the author. It is a fascinating look at one person and his family as they live and adjust to new cultures in various countries. The narrative is pleasing genuine and full of familiar family situations that connect with you as a reader.

"Over the years, I have become accustomed to various looks people give me. Like the look of non-comprehension when I try to speak French, for instance. During her stay, my mother-in-law contributed a new look I hadn't seen before- the 'If there was a good reason for me to let you marry my daughter, I, for the life of me, can't remember it' look."

This an entertaining book; at times I laughed out loud. The author writes with an impertinent style that makes for a breezy read and I guarantee you will be able to relate to some, if not all, of the engaging stories. Loose Screws is humorous and sweet, insightful and nostalgic, with a warm and witty voice. It is just a delightful book to read and I recommend it.

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