Book Spotlight Guidelines

I no longer accept review requests, so please don't ask.

If you are an author and would like to have your fantasy, horror, paranormal or sci-fi book (I will also consider poetry collections, and crime or spy thrillers but not romance) spotlighted on this blog, please follow the guidelines below.  Due to the general tone and theme of my blog, I do not spotlight children's books, non-fiction, self-help, general fiction, women's fiction, erotica, or romance (except for paranormal romance). 
  • Put the words "book spotlight" in the subject line and the name of this blog in the body of the email.
  • Submit a short book synopsis/blurb, the book's genre, a jpg or gif photo of your book cover, a short author bio (written in the third person) and an author photo. Note: please try and keep your photo files to a medium size. 
  • Please put the name of your book, your bio and book synopsis in either the body of the email or a Word .doc, .rtf or .txt attachment (please, no other files). Attach your photos separately to the email. Do not put them in the .doc, .rtf or .txt file.
  • Do not send me a PDF attachment unless you have ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER OPTION OR ARE UNDER THREAT OF DEATH.
  • Add links to where your book can be found.
  • If you have a book trailer, you can include the video embed code or the link.
  • If you wish to send an excerpt to be added to the spotlight, that's fine, but please make it short; around 500 words or so is ideal. 
  • Do not send me your book, review blurbs or any other promotional files.
You can contact me by clicking this: Contact Me

Please Note: I don't feature giveaways unless you wish to include them within the book spotlight.


Sarah Butland said...

Thanks for offering this to other authors! The support is appreciated.


A. F. Stewart said...

You're welcome.

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