Thursday, 24 July 2014

Dog Days of Summer Reading List

August will be upon us soon, those last few beautiful weeks of summer before the autumn season creeps around. So I though I'd put together a speculative fiction reading list to get the most out of the last lazy days of summer. It's a mix of books I've read, am reading, or I want to read, and I call it...

My Dog Days of Summer Reading List

Lumière (The Illumination Paradox #1) by Jacqueline Garlick
(genre: YA steampunk)

Terra Mechanica: a Steampunk Anthology by various authors
(genre: steampunk)

Shanghai Steam by various authors
(genre: steampunk)

Third Daughter (The Dharian Affairs Trilogy #1) by Susan Kaye Quinn
(genre: steampunk)

Tomorrow Wendell by R.M. Ridley
(genre: urban fantasy)

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
(genre: fantasy)

Song of the Ice Lord by J.A. Clement
 (genre: fantasy)

Jane by Robin Maxwell
(genre: sci-fi/fantasy)

The Crown (Joanna Stafford #1) by Nancy Bilyeau
(genre: historical fiction)

You are also welcome to check out any of my books for your summer reading.
You can find them at:

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

For Canada Day: Tomorrow Wendell

Happy Canada Day!

And, in honour of Canada Day, I present the very talented Canadian author, R. M. Ridley and his hot-off-the-presses urban fantasy novel, Tomorrow Wendell. Definitely a book worth checking out...

FB Cover_seal_small

Tomorrow Wendell by R. M. Ridley, available June 28, 2014

Tomorrow Wendell by R. M. Ridley, available June 28, 2014
Check out Tomorrow Wendell on
Amazon - Goodreads

Tomorrow Wendell by R. M. Ridley, available June 28, 2014

Tomorrow Wendell by R. M. Ridley, available June 28, 2014

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