Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Enchantments And An Interview With Author Claire Plaisted

Today I have a delightful interview with author Claire Plaisted and a look at her newly released book, Enchantments. Enjoy!

First, the interview...

 Interview With Claire Plaisted

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself?

My name is Claire Plaisted. I was born and grew up in England, though the last 26 years I have lived in New Zealand with my husband and three children.
I am a Multi genre author and Indie Publisher.  I fell into writing in 2012 quite by accident whilst researching for a Family History Book for a client. This book is yet to be published.
My Publishing Business – Plaisted Publishing House Ltd., has just celebrated 3 years. I love to help other indie authors and have several anthology groups along with two magazine groups to assist with marketing. It’s a blast and everyone is so friendly in the groups
My hobbies are Family History Research, Reading, Walking.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

Enchantments was first published in an Anthology in 2015. It was always meant to be published as a book in its own right.  Since then the story has been re-edited, updated with cover and teasers made.
The story is about seven young adults aged 21. Some know who they really are, and others don’t.  The story starts with Farron which is written in first person. She has dreams which make her restless, she receives impossible messages which disappear as fast as they arrive. Farron is one who doesn’t understand the world she is about to become involved with.
Each character is a Chosen One. They are given Animal energy to help save the human world from the Shadow Master and his minions.

How long have you been writing, and how many books have you published to date?

I have published twenty-six books in various genres. I have one series called Garrett Investigations Bureau which I am updating at present. A novella series under a pen name (Beth Bayley) and a children’s series called Girlie Adventures (About a blue ladybug). This last series also raises funds for various different charities worldwide.

Do you have a favourite character? If so, why?

I adore Yuri. He is a security guard in my Garrett Investigation Bureau Series.  He is amazing. About 6’7”, African American, muscular and has a Russian father. He is funny, cool and I want to hug him and gaze deep into his gorgeous coffee brown eyes

Why did you write this book? What was your inspiration?

I wrote this book to see if I could write a YA Fantasy. I had no idea what would happen or if my muse would speak to me.  What I ended up with is a book about training young adults how to save their world.
Other than that, I tend to say the muse spoke and I wrote down what they told me too.  I have no real clue where the stories come from. I’d never anticipated being an author.  These days I do what the muse tells me… well when they aren’t away on their summer holidays in the northern hemisphere—sunbathing. I’ll catch up with them soon and put them all back to work.

What did you find most challenging about writing your book?

Editing has always been the biggest challenge—which is why I am updating a lot of my already published books. I have learnt so much from so many wonderful Indie Author friends, it has been an amazing journey. I now have a process I go through. I use Grammarly, Pro Writing Aide and Stylewriter.  I also read the manuscript as an eBook which—for me anyway, makes errors jump out.  My manuscripts will never be perfect to everyone due to the mixed English I use. However, they take you away to another world or place and give great enjoyment.

Do you have a favourite author, or writing inspiration?

I love C S Lewis and his Narnia Series. I also love some of his quotes. The best one being about writing a children’s book for children of all ages.  To me this means children from one – one hundred.  I still re-read his stories today and learn something new each time.

How do you research your books?

Google is a good friend. However, I have various places and people I can turn to for help, depending on what I want to know. For historical I belong to several research group where I can reach out for information. For guns and fight scenes I will ask friends who are knowledgeable about various situations. Sometimes I will watch movies or ask my son—who has black belt in taekwondo, to act out the actions so I can write them and make sure they work.

Are you working on another book?

I have to many book drafts to count.  I have two more books of my own to get out this year prior to Christmas. I also have four clients’ books on the go right now along with two anthologies to do and my monthly magazine. Most of this keeps me busy and happy.

Books to watch out for are:
Girlie and the Ninja Ladybugs – book 4
Ghostly Writes Anthology 2017
Ancient Relics – book 6 of Garrett Investigation Bureau
Children’s Fairly Tale Anthology 2017

Enchantments will also have another four books in the series…Well if the muse comes home.

And now for the book...

Enchantments by Claire Plaisted

The Shadow Realm had found a gap in space and time, a place where they could observe the Human world before they claimed it as their own.

Farron is one of seven chosen to embark on an epic adventure against the Shadow King and his evil Realm; but how can seven Humans fight against the perils of the Shadows of Death?

Because they're not really Human...

First born sons and daughters of the Bul'ith, Farron and the others must accept the truth and the animal energies they are given, heed the words of their trainers and defeat the Realm of the Shadow King if they ever wish to restore their world.

You can find Enchantments on Amazon

Meet the Characters who will keep the human world safe from the Shadow Realm.

They thought they were human…and though their DNA was similar and they each had human ancestry their lives were about to change…so you could live.

Farron – Bul’ith – British living in America
Praxel – Bul’ith – American with Egyptian Ancestry
Briar – Bul’ith - American
Ruben – Human American with European heritage
Fleur – Bul’ith – French Canadian
Mitsuoshi – Bul’ith – Japanese heritage
Maxwell – Bul’ith – New Zealander with British & Maori Blood
Bunita – Bul’ith - Indian

Meet their Trainers and the Animals they will be matched with.

Qwain and the Wolf
Quawn and the Falcon
Ngaire and the Cheetah
Avron and the Black Bear
Avrain and the Anaconda
Nikau and the Komodo Dragon
Kendrall and overall leader and the Wild Boar

Meet the Shadow Master and be careful of his minions…They are daring and act quicker than most can move. Their claws could grab your ankles at any moment and suck your soul.

About the Author

Claire Plaisted lives in Rotorua, New Zealand with her family. Rotorua is one of the main tourist stops for a cultural Maori experience with lots of things to do, be it walking, cycling, museums, spa days etc.

Claire is an Multi Genre Indie Author, with side lines in genealogy where she researches and formats family history books for clients. Claire also developed a business to help Indie Authors self-publish, assisting over thirty clients so far.

Claire has published twenty-six books.  Two are short stories, six are part of a series which is called ‘Garrett Investigation Bureau.’ She has one adult fantasy, one children’s mythical story. Along with six contemporary romance novellas under her pen name ‘Beth Bayley.’ Claire has a children’s book series called Girlie Adventures. The first three are now available. ‘Girlie and the War of the Wasps,’ ‘Girlie and the Quest for Pedi’s Family and ‘Girlie’s Circus Adventure. They are adventure story for children from four years upwards. Each one sold gives 40% to a charity. The first book is, in essence about healthy eating and the book will help raise funds for ‘Chasing a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes.’

Claire's Links:

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Ambrosia Blog Tour: Interview With Author Stephanie Ayers

Today, I'm am pleased to be part of the blog tour for the poetry collection, Ambrosia: An OWS Ink Anthology. For this stop on the tour, I bring you a delightful interview with one of the anthology's authors, Stephanie Ayers. As well, the proceeds from this book are being donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, so I encourage you to check out the book. You'll find a blurb and an Amazon link at the end of the post.

Interview with Stephanie Ayers

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

Hello! I am Stephanie Ayers, an author of horror and fantasy. Most of my writings are short stories involving the supernatural, paranormal, and bringing inanimate objects to life. I also own half of a publishing company that debuted in November 2016 and claims 7 books under its imprint, the most recent one our annual poetry anthology, Ambrosia. I’m working at establishing myself as a graphic designer doing book covers and graphics needed to help author build their platforms. When I am not doing any of these things, I am a football, soccer, and basketball mom who avoids housework, growing up, and zombies though not necessarily in that order.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

Sept 16 launches our latest book, Ambrosia: An OWS Ink Anthology. It is a collection of poetry from 9 different writers, each with their own unique take on life. The idea behind the title is that poetry is the nectar of the gods (called Ambrosia) and the words within celebrate this feast with an incredible blend of heartache, longing, inspiration, desperation, fantasy, and more.

How long have you been writing, and how many books have you published to date?

I have been writing since 4th grade. I wrote a lot during my school years, and then switched to poetry in my mid-teens, and then to song writing in my 20s. I have one romantic horror novella of my own, along with 5 short stories published in anthologies, and 17 poems published in Ambrosia. In October, my short story collection, The 13: Tales of Illusory, will also be released.

Why did you decide to write poetry?

I’m not really sure why I started to write poetry. At first it was a challenge to write something different from the fiction I usually wrote, plus I sought fame. Everything I saw at 17 and 18 revolved around poetry, so that’s where I went, too. As I grew older, it became a method of release for me. There’s just something about weaving your tears and broken thoughts into a poetic form that makes you feel better.

You write in several genres. Do you have a favourite? And if so, why?

Fantasy is my favorite, though horror seems to be what I write most of. Fantasy is my favorite genre to read as well. I mean, you know unicorns. Elves. Fairies. Dragons. New worlds. I can create my own little world to escape to. Hopefully a few of you come with me.

What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

My greatest challenge as a writer is turning my stories into full length novels. I’m so accustomed to writing short stories that it has become a challenge to write something longer than 15,000-20,000 words and even that seems excessive to me.

Do you have a favourite author, or writing inspiration?

My bookshelf is full of everything, but I can’t pass a Stephen King book without picking it up. I would have to say that he is my favorite and has had a lot of influence on my writing style. I’m also a huge fan of James Patterson and Kristin Hannah. I’ve heard there’s a little Patterson in my writing as well.

What advice would you give beginning writers?

Oh gosh, where do I start? I know… I’ll just drop two of my personal quotes here: “One single letter cures the blank page.”
“The more you doubt your talent and strive to improve, the better the writer.”

What’s your next project? Any upcoming book secrets you care to reveal?

The 13: Tales of Illusory is set for release October 1. This is a collection of my short horror stories and contain villains from many different parts of life, and range from the supernatural to paranormal and most anything in between. My favorite story in the book is a ghostly tale titled Say Say Oh Playmate. Mere is the lone survivor of a playground shooting and grows up haunted by the incident. Things get quite hairy for her when the game the children were playing when they were slaughtered starts playing on a loop in her head. Is Meredith going crazy or is someone playing a trick on her? This was an absolute treat to write.

A published author with a knack for twisted tales, Stephanie Ayers is the Executive Creative Director of OWS Ink, LLC, a community for writers and readers alike. She loves a good thriller, fairies, things that go bump in the night, and sappy stories. When she is not writing, she can be found in Creative Cloud designing book covers and promotional graphics for authors.

You can check out Ambrosia: An OWS Ink Anthology on Amazon

Delight in the nectar of the gods. Feed your mind with Ambrosia

Whispers to the gods are like honey from a poet's lips. When several poets raise their voices together, it's a sacred feast of memories and dreams. Poetry is divine food for the soul, full of emotional and celestial feeling. Join us in our longing, our pain and passion, heartache, logic and insanity, fear, faith, confusion, hope, unity, solitude, daily life, political strife, and more.

From the creative minds of Eric Keizer, A.L. Mabry, Sam DeLoach, Alyssa Trivett, Mello Sakia, Stacy Overby, Phillip Matthew Roberts, Veronica Falletta and Stephanie Ayers.

The Poets of this project have partnered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and all royalties will be donated to this charity.

And be sure to check out the rest of the tour: Ambrosia Blog Tour

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Book Spotlight: The Black Lily

Today I have  a book spotlight for the newly released fantasy novel, The Black Lily (The Arestea Chronicles Book 1) by Mandy and G.D. Burkhead. Enjoy!

The Black Lily by Mandy and G.D. Burkhead

Courtesan. Spy. Assassin.

Across the Kingdom of Arestea, the shadowy league of professional killers known simply as the Guild has long since earned its terrifying reputation. And none of its current members are more infamous than the Black Lily. No one knows who the Lily is, but everyone recognizes the efficiency with which he or she brings down even the most guarded targets. There is no one, it is said, who is safe from this fiend once they have caught the assassin’s attention.

Now Lily herself is about to discover if her reputation has been inflated or not, for she has just been assigned the most daunting mission of her career: infiltrate the royal palace and eliminate the entire Arestean line of succession to make room for the Guild’s puppet ruler. It’s a challenging job, but one that will secure her place in the history books should she succeed.

But when unplanned circumstances take the king from his country to help secure the front lines in his latest war of expansion, Lily is left trapped in her assumed persona behind the palace walls and forced to stall for time. And when a particularly bad stroke of luck reveals her cover to the king’s brother, Crown Prince Adrian, Lily finds herself ensnared in her own web, forced to use all her skills of subterfuge and manipulation if she is to stay one step ahead of the naïve but righteous young man and finish her mission — or die trying.

You can find The Black Lily on:

Author Bio:

Mandy and G.D. Burkhead met in high school in a writing chatroom, where they began an episodic story together. They attended college together at Lindenwood University and both received BA's in Creative Writing. 

They currently live in the Nashville area. Mandy has her MLIS and works at the Nashville Public Library. Gary is a copy editor for the Tennessean. 

When they aren't working or writing, they enjoy reading, playing video games, cosplaying, and attending conventions.

The Black Lily is their first full-length fantasy novel.

You can find and follow them on:

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