Friday, 27 February 2009

Two Stops on the Tour

There are two blog stops today, Friday Feb 27:

First, over at Pat Bertram Introduces... my vampire character, Eleanor de Burgh, will be interviewed. If you ever wondered what makes a vampire tick, pop over and read the post.

And later, at 8:30 pm EST, I'll be a guest on the blogtalk radio show Introducing WRITERS!, hosted by Kim Smith, author of Avenging Angel: A Shannon Wallace Mystery.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

BlogTalk Radio

Tomorrow, Friday Feb 27, (8:30 pm EST) I shall be jumping head first into the arena of Blogtalk radio. I shall be interviewed by Kim Smith, author of Avenging Angel, host of Introducing WRITERS!

It should be about a 30 min spot and you can call in (the guest call in number is on the site) with comments or questions.
Come and see what I have to say, you never know what might happen.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009 Troubles

I like publishing with, I really do, but lately they are making very difficult to consider using them for future books.

  • First their so-called economy shipping is anything but economical. I needed some review copies and it cost me $15.72 for two books; the shipping and handling (this is to Canada, where I live) was $19.96. How is paying over double the price of the book cost, economy shipping!?
  • Second they currently have a serious glitch with their site; my book, Chronicles of the Undead, is not showing on my storefront or in the store widgets I have on my website. Also the buy links are missing from the book's Lulu page, effectively removing it for sale at (and this is currently the only place to download the ebook). I have contacted Lulu, and they say they are working on it, but I'm not seeing improvement or hearing any updates on the situation.
  • Third, their distribution changes just confuse me. They say their free distribution gets you on Fine, no problem, but what about the other Amazon sites? I've done some checking and Chronicles of the Undead and Inside Realms seem to be on sale at some of the international Amazon sites (except for the Canadian one; I'm a Canadian author who can't effectively sell her books in Canada). So what is it Lulu, how many Amazon sites does the free distribution get you?
I wish would address some of these issues.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Vote in More Death's Than One contest

I recently entered Pat Bertram's More Death's Than One contest over at Second Wind Publishing. The idea was to write a scenario or synopsis based on what would happen if you saw your living mother's obit in the paper (a variation on the key plot point in More Death's Than One).

Somehow my entry has made to into the finals (along with two other marvelous entries), so please pop over and vote for your favorite:

Contest Vote

Monday, 23 February 2009

Latest Tour Stop.

It's Feb 23rd, and today I am at Rhetta's Blog, talking about the special needs of Paranormal Characters.
Come and see how to write these misfits into our reality.

For more blog dates see my post: My Virtual Blog Tour

Monday, 16 February 2009

Today's Blog Stop at Author's Studio

The latest blog stop is today, at Author's Studio, where I discuss tone and atmosphere in fantasy writing.

Come check out my tips and thoughts on the subject.

The Full Schedule: Blog Tour

Friday, 13 February 2009

Newest Stop on the Blog Tour

Today, on Friday 13th, I'll be over at Murder by 4, talking about theme in writing and spilling the dark secrets of the theme buried in Chronicles of the Undead.

If you missed the previous stops, they are still lurking out there in the shadows.

Check out the schedule for all the places I've been and will be: Blog Tour

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Bonus for the Blog Tour

For anyone following my blog tour, here's a unofficial stop as a bonus. You check check out a new interview, over at Cold Coffee on the network.

10 Quick Questions with Dave: An Interview with A. F. Stewart

Don't forget to stop by Murder by 4 tomorrow for my guest post

And on Saturday, in honor of Valentine's Day, I'll be announcing my latest contest winner. Come see who won the copy of Chronicles of the Undead.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Today's Blog Stop

Today, my stop on the blog tour is at The Dark Phantom Review for an Interview

Don't forget to check the schedule for upcoming dates; two more stops were added recently.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

My Virtual Blog Tour

Announcing my Blog Tour!

For the next few weeks I'll be making the rounds on the internet. I'll be appearing as a guest on several blogs, doing posts and interviews; my book Chronicles of the Undead will also be spotlighted during the tour.

The scheduled dates are listed below:

Feb 7: You can check out my latest book Chronicles of the Undead (as well as many other fabulous books) at Authors and their Books

Feb 10: I will be interviewed at The Dark Phantom Review

Feb 13: I'm guest posting at Murder by 4. The post will be concerning theme in your writing.

Feb 16: I'll be discussing how to write tone and atmosphere in fantasy at Author's Studio

Feb 18: I' ll be writing about my insight on the 5 best ways to promote your book on a budget over at the blog of Joylene Nowell Butler

Feb 23: I'll be appearing at Rhetta's Blog, writing about paranormal characters

Feb 27:

Mar 2: My vampire character, Henri Forain will be interviewed at Pat Bertram Introduces...

March 4:

And don't forget, if you missed any, you can still check them out; that's the wonder of cyberspace.

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