Wednesday, 9 December 2009

A Burning Light of Verse

My Book Review of  Chronicles of a Sage:  Simple Complexities by Deborah Simpson.

Philosophical, spiritual, obscure and beautiful; those are the words that best describe the poetry of Deborah Simpson.  Her book Chronicles of a Sage:  Simple Complexities lends easily to flexible reader interpretation and is, in turn, sombre, wistful and beautiful.

The format of the book is interesting, laid out in five chapters with a discussion of the ideas at the end of each section; you are handed both expressive verse and introspective dialogue.  The poems themselves are a heady mix of thought-provoking themes wrapped around deeper meanings.  The lovely verse flows smoothly, with hidden gems of lines popping out of the blue.

“I walked within the air
Of dankness and ruin –
Stood on wall of inertia
Searching for impetus –”

The style of the poetry may be off-putting to some, but I enjoyed the atypical vocabulary choices and visual structure.  I think the choices were bold and dramatic, bending into fresh, vivid imagery.

“Just beyond the indigo puddles
Crouched crimson-plated stalks –
Relics of life once radiant
Now, the affinity of ruins –”

Simple Complexities is a quality volume of poetry, a striking literary work, which I heartily recommend.

Chronicles of a Sage:  Simple Complexities is available at:


Just a note:  The copy of the this book used for review was provided free of charge by the author.

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