Wednesday, 30 April 2014

A Poem To Close Out National Poetry Month

I've been celebrating National Poetry Month over on Facebook (with one of my poetry groups), but I thought I'd do a last hurrah here as well. So for your enjoyment, a dark poem to chill your soul... 


Path of stones, pale bones
to carry them down
Hear the wild wind howl

The crow caws, give pause
Shadows shift around
Hear the wild wind howl

Wolf in white, need bite
savagery unbound
Hear the wild wind howl

A scream lost, in frost
countless echoes sound
Hear the wild wind howl

None to save, buried grave
The dead, in the ground
Hear the wild wind howl

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Thrilling Thirteen: A Book Spotlight

Today I'm putting the spotlight on a unique boxed set of thrillers just released for readers, called the Thrilling Thirteen (some of you may remember the teaser I posted a while back, well this is what that post was all about). So here's the cover, a short blurb, and the links to check out this fabulous set:

The Thrilling Thirteen

The Thrilling Thirteen includes ten thrilling novels, two page-flipping novellas and an action-packed short story collection from the minds of today's bestselling and award winning authors. That's nearly 750,000 words for just a buck for a limited time only.

These thrillers have received more than 500 five-stars and over 1,000 reviews.

A Touch of Deceit (Nick Bracco Series) - Gary Ponzo

Russian Hill (Abby Kane FBI Thriller) - Ty Hutchinson

Arctic Wargame (Justin Hall Series) - Ethan Jones

Look For Me (Rachel Scott Adventure) - Traci Hohenstein

The Last Horseman - Frank Zafiro

The Diplomat (Justin Hall Series) - Ethan Jones

The Recruiter (A Thriller) - Dani Amore

Mark Taylor: Genesis (Mark Taylor Series) - M.P. McDonald

In the Shadow of El Paso - Frank Zafiro

Don't Close Your Eyes (Stephanie Chalice Thriller) - Lawrence Kelter

Quicksilver (Forensic Geology Series) - Toni Dwiggins

Least Wanted (Sam McRae Mystery) - Debbi Mack

Absence of Light (Charlie Fox Thriller) - Zoë Sharp

You can find this fabulous book set at:

Friday, 25 April 2014

Interview With Author Aaron Galvin

Today I have another interview for you, with new author Aaron Galvin. He stops by to talk about writing, his debut book, Salted, and his other passion, filmmaking. Enjoy.

Interview With Aaron Galvin

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.
I remain wonderfully confused at both who I am, and who I am meant to be.
The larger part of me will always be Peter Pan, yet becoming a father has forced me to grow up somewhat. I’m a country boy who can pass for a city guy when/if needed. The actor in me enjoys being the center of attention, while my author side prefers the quiet escape of a hermit’s existence.
My wife is a saint for tolerating me.

Can you tell us about your debut book, Salted, a YA urban fantasy novel?
Definitely! Salted follows a crew of Selkie slave catchers charged with recapturing an elusive runaway. When their target leads them to deeper, darker secrets, the Selkies face a moral quandary. Secure their own freedom, or return empty-handed to face the grisly consequences.
It also features a unique take/twist on mermaids. Most books I've seen about Selkies and mermaids are of the paranormal romance sort. Mine has little/no romance involved. I wanted to write a story about merfolk and Selkies that male readers could enjoy too.

Why do you find most appealing about the fantasy genre?
Anything is possible. You can go to Hogwarts and learn magic, journey to Mordor with hobbits, elves, and dwarves, or even transform into a seal and swim in the realm beneath the waves. Fantasy has always been my favorite genre. I don’t see that ever changing.

You also dabble in writing thrillers and horror. What difference and similarities do you find between the three genres?
That’s a great question. The easy answer in how they’re different is fantasy contains magic, paranormal, and/or an imaginary world/universe. Thrillers promote suspense and/or excitement. Horror is, well, scary.
I’m not fond of breaking them down like that, however, because I think it’s limiting. I especially don’t like the stigma associated with the horror genre that it must contain gore. Gore can be frightening, sure, but to me it’s often thrust into a story like an annoying kid trying to draw attention to themselves. The best horror lives with you after the book/movie is finished. Better yet, if you couldn't finish because it scared you that much. 
As for their similarities, I think the best stories contain a blend of all genres. No one does this better than Stephen King. Take my favorite King novel, The Stand, for instance. The idea of Randall Flagg embodies a twisted blend of fantasy/horror. Flagg also makes you nervous for the characters aligning and defying him, which builds the suspense all the way up to the final glorious end.
That’s the kind of writing I aspire to create.

Can you tell us about your writing process? Where do your ideas originate?  Do you have a certain writing routine?
I’m not sure where my ideas originate, honestly. I could be out to dinner when a new voice pops into my head, or even rocking my daughter to sleep. Ideas come to me all the time. The trick is learning which ones to pursue and which to let go. Most times I don’t have a choice. The voices demand to be heard.
As for my writing process, I like to script a loose outline first. It could be a single sentence, paragraph, or even thirty pages, but I almost always need one in place.
That doesn't mean I stick to it. Sometimes a new character’s voice will become stronger that takes me into unknown territory. My character Chidi (pronounced Chee-dee) for instance. In my initial outline, she was a background player only. As I continued writing, however, I found that I couldn't contain her spirit. She burst onto the pages until I gave way. I can’t imagine the story without her now.
For routine, I like to make a fresh pot of coffee. Then, I reread the previous chapter to get me in the right mindset. If nothing is happening, I stare at my computer screen until something does.

What is your greatest challenge as a writer?
My prose. I’ll improve, but no one will ever consider me the next Cormac McCarthy.

You've also worked in film, as an actor, producer and writer. Do you find the two creative endeavors (novel writing and filmmaking) complement each other? Are there certain aspects in common to both disciplines?
They’re both great creative outlets, but two very different animals.
I love filmmaking because it physically brings your ideas to life. The tradeoff is you lose autonomy. Unless you’re James Cameron, (and even he probably experiences this), there will be others who have say in the final product. Now, not only are you trying to do justice to what the characters in your head want, there are physical voices added into the mix; the director, producers, and actors who bring their own insight to the characters/world you've created.
Filmmaking also limits you with budgetary constraints, schedules of the players involved, and length of time you have to tell the story.
When I produced an indie feature film, I was frustrated at times by how long everything took for completion. I had to accommodate other’s schedules. As an author, I only have to look in the mirror if something isn't being done and needs changed. It’s all on my shoulders to sink or swim. I enjoy that freedom immensely. 

Who has inspired you as a writer and author?
Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Lloyd Alexander, J.K. Rowling, and George R.R. Martin have all been major inspirations to me as an author. I've also been inspired by J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof, Vince Gilligan, and I am in awe of how well David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have translated GRRM’s Song of Ice and Fire series into HBO’s Game of Thrones.

What’s next for you?
I’m currently working on Taken With A Grain of Salt, the sequel to Salted. I’m around 10k words in and it’s flowing well. I can’t wait to share the story with readers.

About the Author:
Salted is Aaron Galvin's debut novel.
He first cut his chops writing original stand-up comedy routines at age thirteen. His early works paid off years later when he co-wrote and executive produced the 2013 award-winning indie feature film, Wedding Bells & Shotgun Shells.
He is also an accomplished actor. Aaron has worked in Hollywood blockbusters, (Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, and Clint Eastwood’s Flags of Our Fathers), and starred in dozens of indie films.
Aaron is a proud member of SCBWI. He lives in Southern California with his wife and daughter.

You can find more on Aaron and his writing at these sites:

Salted is available here:

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Never Give Up: A Guest Post by JoAnne Myers

Here's the second appearance of JoAnne Myers on the blog. Today she's here to share an excerpt from her book Loves, Myths and Monsters, and to talk about artistic passion, and never giving up on your dreams.


For as long as I can remember, I have had an artistic flare-whether that be for writing, painting, sewing or drawing. I recall as a child how much I enjoyed drawing. The writing came later. My seventh grade English teacher was Mrs. Henderson-a young mother and wife. She gave us a writing assignment and after gifting me with an A+ told me I should consider writing as a career. She meant as a journalist. I did not take her advise and become a journalist (one of my many misgivings). My mind went toward other things as many young girls dream of-a husband, home, and family of my own. I put my love for writing and painting on hold for years. I unfortunately married a man who like my mother never encouraged me to be artistic. It was not until my children were grown and I no longer had a husband, that I went back to my first love-art. I got a late start, but always encouraged my children and others to partake of artistic endeavors. I now have six books under contract with two publishing houses. So my words to you all, is that no matter what road you choose, never forget your passion, and always keep it close to heart. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from enjoying your natural talents. You might need to put art on a temporary hold, but never ever give up.

You can find JoAnne online at:

Loves, Myths and Monsters

Eleven fantasy tales entwined within the human world

Welcome To Anna
Little does 17 year old Zoe, realize, but the Chupracabra followed her to Ohio from South America. What happens next is a series of chilling mysteries, and unsuspecting friendships and love.

The Hunter's Bride
When all game warden Daren Abram, had to worry about was which lucky lady to woo, he comes to the realization that his town is being stalked by the reincarnation of the town's legend.

Moon People
For teenage mermaid Constance, coming to the quaint seaside town of Willowick, is heavenly, until she falls for mortal boy Drake. For the town to survive, Constance is forced to choose between her kind and the boy and town she loves.

The Pack
When young Lycan Sonny Red Blanket, a Shawnee Indian falls for mortal girl Drenda Way, he must save her from his fellow Lycan's and stop a werewolf uprising.

The Bidding
Apiologist 34-year-old Duncan McPherson goes to Circleville, Ohio, to investigate a series of mysterious bee attacks. What is uncovered proves to be more dark and sinister then anyone imaged.

The Agreement
Incarcerated in the abandoned Roseville jail, is the last thing rich college student and speeder Brice Conrad, needs. With an "agreement" between the town and a permanent demonic "guest", only the unfortunate ones know the truth, but do not live to tell.

For The Love Of Ginnie
Handsome bachelor and Scientist Alex Anderson from the thirtieth century, returns to the Civil War with time serum to save his beloved Ginnie Wade from a snipers bullet, while finding a roller coaster ride of joy and perils.

Is It Only A Myth?
When 32-year-old Vinton County Sheriff, James "Jim" Connors, discovers he has a Mothman hunting in his county, he stops at nothing to save his citizens.

The Proposition
The rough and ready cowboy John Queenie gets the shock of his life, when the ad to break a "wild filly" turns out to be a fiery Quaker girl named Tess. This is a story proving love conquers all.

The House On Shady Lane
A seemingly loving family turns out to be serial killers in 1873.

Love's Curse
When an Egypt love curse scroll is stolen from a Dean's office, persons begin dying in bizarre and grisly ways, with the college's mascot a Viking King statue jokingly blamed for it.
Buy links:

Excerpt from For the Love of Ginnie 

I don’t know why I wanted to save the life of a person I never met. Maybe it was because I was tired of bachelorhood. Maybe it was because I was a chemist and the unusual, and unexplained, fascinated me. Or, maybe, it was because I was obsessed with this twenty-year-old, dark-haired beauty named Mary Virginia “Ginnie” Wade I had read about.
These questions filtered through my mind as I drove to the bar to meet my best friend Will.
Will’s favorite hangout was “The Bling,” originally an old truck stop on State Route 93, in Nelsonville, Ohio. The place became a restaurant/lounge/dance hall and brothel when semis no longer became a necessity for long distance hauling. The invention of the transporter also replaced many other primitive jobs such as mail delivery and travel. “The Bling” was best known for the large flashing lights suggesting scantily clad women in seductive positions above the front entrance, and its “bulldogs,” monster-sized bouncers in Armani suits who patrolled its two-block perimeter, inside and out.
“The Bling,” just another joint with a sleazy atmosphere, like all alcohol-serving establishments, differed only in that it catered exclusively to class “A” clientele. Politely—or maybe not so politely—everyone called it the “Whorehouse for the rich and bored.” Its reputation grew. Its income grew even faster.
I pulled up in front and exited my vintage DeLorian, tossing the keys to the baby-faced valet, by-passed the doorman with no questions asked. Just an exchange of large smiles between us. Will was also part-owner.
As I entered the twenty-four carat gold, electronic doors, Will immediately spotted me and motioned me toward the bar with his diamond embellished hand.
I loved sitting at the bar. It was the perfect place to see the shows. “Two double scotches and water,” Will said, as we shook hands, and I slid into my seat beside him, just as the tall, leggy waitress produced the drinks in an instant.
I immediately recognized the “girl” as one of the latest “do-everything-like-a-wife” robotics. Robot manufacturing had become a booming business since the last war destroyed the immune and reproductive systems in most humans, especially females.
“I don’t know why you waste your time flirting with non-humans,” I said, cautiously sipping my drink. The immense emptiness of not being able to acquire a wife and soul mate, I felt at this age in my life, almost drove me to alcoholism, but my boss and mentor, Doctor Obar Gabry, intervened, saving my life and promising career.
“Because, dear friend,” Will began, “beggars can’t be choosey, and ladies are in scarce supply. Beside, these ‘girls’ are all pink inside.”
Ugh!” I said, gulping down a large swallow of alcohol as if it could wash away my friend’s vile mental picture from my mind.
“Come on, Alex, loosen up. Live a little.” Will motioned to the waitress for another round of drinks. “You’re alive, so act like it. Don’t let your beautiful mind go to waste. This world needs people like you. People started treating me like a god once I became an entrepreneur, and I love it.”
I had to laugh. Maybe my self-pity stage had outlived its use. Only I can find a wife for myself. I certainly won’t ask Will to hook me up. His sense of values are as artificial as the women he beds.
The pain and loneliness I felt at times from yearning for a life-long partner and family wasn’t easy to accomplish. Scientific and Medical technology still could not reverse the sterilization effects on the female species.
Sure there were some human women to date. But most were either sterile, too old, too young, or there was just no chemistry between the two of us. I wanted that spark that unites between two people madly in my parents. I never met any couple happier with one another then my beloved parents. That’s the kind of love I want…never ending.
The emptiness and frustration of not finding companionship at times made me want to die. But that was the loneliness talking. I know that now. I love life. I want to live, and I know who I want for a wife. It’s just that meeting her would be a little tricky.
Abruptly, I asked, “What do you think about time travel?”
“Are you serious?” Will asked. “Scientists have tried to conquer time travel for hundreds of years, and failed.”
“Maybe they failed because they weren't Doctor Gabry and me.”
Will looked at me in awe. “Oh, my god, you’re serious!”
“We discovered something today in the lab,” I said, giving him an arrogant smile. “We believe this is the answer.”
“So who is to be the Guinea pig?”
Silence came from Will, then a gasp. “That could be suicide.”
“Or the biggest discovery of the thirtieth century.”

Loves, Myths and Monsters is available from:
Melange Books
In Paperback from
Or on Amazon Kindle

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Interview With Author JoAnne Myers

Today on the blog, I have the first of a two part appearance by author JoAnne Myers. To begin, I have for you an interview with her, where she chats about her books, and writing. And tomorrow she'll be stopping by with a guest post and an excerpt from one of her books. Enjoy...

Interview with JoAnne Myers

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at:

You write in multiple genres and cross genres, such as true crime, mystery, fantasy and paranormal. What appeals to you about these genres?

I have a lot of interests.
With fantasy, you have myths, legends, fairy-tales, and your imagination to conjure up a story. With paranormal you have ghosts and the afterlife to play with, and I do believe in an afterlife. True crime is just that, factual details, that someone experienced. Writing mystery is fun because of the mystery and twists and turns involved. The writer must decide who are the good guys, the bad guys, and the type of mystery involved; whether that is a bank heist, a kidnapping, or a buried treasure to search for.

Can you tell us about bit about your books?

Murder Most Foul, is a detective/mystery. Wicked Intentions, is a paranormal/mystery. The Crime of the Century, is an actual homicide case from my area. Loves, Myths, and Monsters, is a fantasy anthology starring the Chupracabra, the Mothman, reincarnation, time travel, an Egyptian love curse, a demonic cellmate, a Quaker love story set in the 1700's, Werewolves, and a serial killer family from the 1870's.

You also write poetry. Do you find being a poet enhances your writing when penning a novel?

I think it might help with the romance within a novel. Poetry seems to bring out the passive side of a person, making them more receptive to love.

Can you tell us about your writing process?  Where do your ideas originate?  Do you have a certain writing routine?

My monster anthology stemmed from my love for monster movies when I was a child; Count Dracula and the Wolfman. The paranormal anthology came from my watching real life paranormal stories on television, and from a newspaper article. Stories from others who claimed to have experienced ghost encounters and psychic dreams. I don't have a certain writing routine. I just write about what tickles my fancy at the time. Some of my stories took years to complete, others took a few months.  I find true crime stories more difficult and time consuming. The writer must scour court documents, newspaper clippings, interview those involved with the case, which I found to be exhausting. With true crime the writer must get the facts straight, not just make up things as he goes along like I often do with fiction stories.

What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

Becoming successful.

Who has inspired you as an author?

I have always been able to write and paint, even as a child. I love books by Gregg Olsen, Ann Rule, Ann Rice and Aphrodite Jones.

You are also a painter. Do you find that being an artist helps your writing, in ways such as being able to visualize scenes?

Yes I do believe my painting helps me as a writer. While I paint a scene, whether that be a beach or landscape scene, I often think “wouldn't this be a nice place to write about?”

What’s next for you?

My biography true crime anthology, Twisted Love, is being released May 10, by Black Rose Writing. Later in 2014, Flagitious, a detective/mystery novella anthology will be available through Melange Books.

You can find out more about JoAnne at her website:
or follow her on Twitter:

Thursday, 17 April 2014

A Chat About Summoned by Rainy Kaye

Today the blog is playing host to author Rainy Kaye as she stops by on her blog tour for her new book, Summoned. There's have a sneak peek at the book, plus a little insight into how it's opening sentence came about. Oh, and there's a contest too, at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

Here's a few words from the author on her book, and a short excerpt:

Why I Love the First Line in Summoned

“I dislike having to murder someone.”

Through revisions and edits, this first line has remained untouched. I wanted something that conveyed Dimitri's take on his entire world: his detached disdain for being made to do horrible things. It's too easy to fall into the trap of making characters accepting of committing crimes a normal person wouldn't even consider, so it was important to me to that Dimitri wasn't apathetic even if resigned.

Of course, an opening line should do more than introduce the character; it should lead into the scene too. And there is one thing he hates worse than killing. . .

“I dislike having to murder someone. Kidnapping is worse. At least when I setup a kill, I know what's coming. No connections, no honesty, no surprises. Everything I say and do are just steps to luring in my victim. Once the victim falls right into the trap, the next move is swift: crushed windpipe, fatal concussion, or a good ol' fashioned headshot.
Kidnapping, on the other hand, is a little trickier. First, the victim has an opportunity to respond. I don't like this. Sometimes they cry. Sometimes they manage to alert the authorities. And sometimes they escape, usually by inflicting bodily harm on me.
Dead people don't retaliate. Kidnapped ones, well, they're a little more . . . lively.
The second major difference between killing and kidnapping is my conscience. I get in and out with a kill. We have no chance to bond.
Abductees require a little more one-on-one. As much as I try to keep the switch turned off, I can't help but listen to their pleas and demands. And I usually realize I'm a jerk.
That's exactly where I find myself one late afternoon in June. I prefer doing this at night, but moreover, I would prefer not doing this at all.
Instead, I have a belligerent nine year old girl sitting in the passenger seat of my Honda Accord, shackles on her wrists and ankles and a small stuffed bunny on her lap. She's eyeing me in a way that makes me self-conscious. Like I'm the bad guy.
Probably because I am the bad guy.”

Summoned by Rainy Kaye

Twenty-three year old Dimitri has to do what he is told—literally. Controlled by a paranormal bond, he is forced to use his wits to fulfill unlimited deadly wishes made by multimillionaire Karl Walker.

Dimitri has no idea how his family line became trapped in the genie bond. He just knows resisting has never ended well. When he meets Syd—assertive, sexy, intelligent Syd—he becomes determined to make her his own. Except Karl has ensured Dimitri can't tell anyone about the bond, and Syd isn't the type to tolerate secrets.

Then Karl starts sending him away on back-to-back wishes. Unable to balance love and lies, Dimitri sets out to uncover Karl's ultimate plan and put it to an end. But doing so forces him to confront the one wish he never saw coming—the wish that will destroy him.

Author Bio

Rainy Kaye is an aspiring overlord. In the mean time, she blogs at and writes paranormal novels from her lair somewhere in Phoenix, Arizona. When not plotting world domination, she enjoys getting lost around the globe, studying music so she can sing along with symphonic metal bands, and becoming distracted by Twitter (@rainyofthedark). She is represented by Rossano Trentin of TZLA.

Her Facebook Page:

And here's the Rafflecopter contest for Summoned:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, 14 April 2014

The Writing Process: A Blog Hop

The Writing Process Blog Hop

An author friend of mine, Sarah Butland, tagged me for this blog hop, and sent me some fascinating questions to answer. So, this time I'm the one in the spotlight. 

Here's our mini interview, I hope you enjoy:

Is there a contest that you entered or won which changed your life forever?

I can’t say there was, I’m afraid; I've never had much luck with contests. Although there was an elementary school competition where my haiku got selected for a publication. I remember being quite proud of that, and it gave my mother bragging rights for a bit.

How much of your day is spent writing new and/or marketing old.

I think that depends on the day. I do try to achieve a balance between the two, but sometimes I get caught up in one or the other. I get on a writing roll, and the time ticks by and the next thing I know those marketing tweets or that blog post will have to wait. Or promos and events push back the writing. And then some days I’m just a buzz with multi-tasking: writing, marketing, whatever. It does help to schedule some marketing in advance though, like blog posts and tweets.

What's the best story you've ever read and how did its marketing catch your attention?

The best story I ever read was published way, way back before I even dreamed of marketing, namely All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury. As a child, I found it I the back of a magazine I bought through the Scholastic program at school. That story was the catalyst that started my lifelong love of short fiction.
More recently though, I discovered the brilliant book series, On Dark Shores by J.A. Clement, and I found her marketing strategy caught my attention. She hearkened back to the olden days of serial novels by publishing a sequence of ongoing novellas, each one being a part of the whole story, and continuing the chapters from the previous book.  I’m not certain any author could have pulled it off, but her writing is so exceptional, she has her readers well hooked.

My latest book

And now here’s a bit about the two authors that I've tagged for the hop. I hope you’ll check out their blogs; it will be worth the time:

Steve Vernon
Steve Vernon lives and works in Nova Scotia Canada, and is the author of such books as Haunted Harbours: Ghost Stories From Old Nova Scotia, The Lunenburg Werewolf And Other Stories of the Supernatural, Maritime Monsters, Sinking Deeper, Sudden Death Overtime, and Tatterdemon.
He’s traveled right across Canada and has worked as a factory hand, house painter, field worker, tree planter, roustabout, woodworker, artist's model, fiddlehead picker, blueberry raker, woodchopper, warehouse strawboss, snow shoveller, garden digger, environmental criminal and anything else that paid a buck. He’s married with children and has a cat named Kismet.

Axel Howerton
Axel Howerton is an award-winning poet and the author of the quirky neo-noir pulp detective novel Hot Sinatra, the mini-anthology Living Dead at Zigfreidt & Roy, and a bevy of short stories and hidden gems. Axel is a former editor for Dark Moon Digest and, as the long-time Senior Editor of Eye Crave DVD/Eye Crave Network, he was one of the champions of the burgeoning b-movie scene of the early-mid 200′s and one of Canada’s webtertainment pioneers.
Axel is also the co-creator and organizer of the annual Coffin Hop online author extravaganza, and the owner-operator of Coffin Hop Press. His fiction has recently appeared in Big Pulp, Fires on the Plain, Steampunk Originals Vol. 1, the Big Lebowski companion piece Lebowski 101, the LGBQT anthology Clones, Fairies and Monsters in the Closet, A Career Guide To Your Job In Hell and the best-selling holiday anthology Let It Snow: Season’s Readings For A Super-Cool Yule.
He is a member of the Crime Writers of Canada and lives in the wilds of Western Canada with his two brilliant young sons and a wife who is way out of his league.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Book Spotlight: Viking Myths: Stories of the Norse Gods and Goddesses

Today I'm spotlighting a book full of the legends of Norse myth and gods (some of my favourite things):

Viking Myths: Stories of the Norse Gods and Goddesses by Thor Ewing

From its first beginnings in a world of primordial ice floes, the story of the Viking gods is one of continual struggle against etins and monsters, but it is a tale of humour and triumph as well as of grit and tragedy. The Norse myths are justly famous for a host of vivid characters including the wise and enigmatic Odin, the bluff strongman Thor, and the incorrigible trickster Loki. In the first major retelling for a generation, storyteller and historian Thor Ewing rediscovers the brisk vitality with which these ancient myths were told in the earliest sources. With 45 stunning b&w illustrations inspired by Viking art.

You can find this book on Amazon UK:


Author Bio:

Thor Ewing was born in Putney in 1967. He studied Medieval Literature at Durham University before becoming a contributor to a number of academic publications covering Viking and Nordic culture and pre-Christian religion. Ewing is also the author of a number of other books, including The Wisdom of the Celts (Edda, 2004), Viking Clothing (The History Press, 2006) and Gods and Worshippers in the Viking and Germanic world (The History Press, 2008). Ewing now lives with his wife and children in Bucknell, Herefordshire.

Find out more about the author and his books at his website:

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