Sunday, 25 March 2018

#B2BCYCON2018 Preview

I'm posting today with a quick preview of an upcoming event I'm a part of, the Brain to Books Cyber Convention and Book Expo (B2BCYCON for short). The convention happens in April (from the 6th to the 8th) and basically it is an online showcase for authors of various genres. I'll be doing double duty as a fantasy author and a horror author, and here's what to expect from me.

I will be running my horror activities from this blog, and you will be able to check out my stuff such as the website/blog tour and links to my horror related Cover Wars, the Character Tournament, the Daisy Chain story, my horror Trade Show Booth on Goodreads and the Book Expo. There will also be a video panel discussion that I hosted, Gender Roles in the Horror and Thriller Genres. The book featured in my horror events will be Horror Haiku Pas de Deux, so please come out and have some fun in all the events.


B2BCyCon2018-FantasyI'll be over on my website, Welcome to Avalon,  for my convention fantasy events and activities, including the fantasy genre blog/website tour. As well, I'll be posting the links to my other fantasy activities in the convention, again such as the Cover Wars, the Character Tournament, Panel Discussions, the Daisy Chain story, my Trade Show Booth on Goodreads and the Book Expo links. The book I have featured in the convention is Ghosts of the Sea Moon, so I hope you will come out in April to support it in the voting events (Cover Wars and Character Tournaments) and come watch me be dorky in things like the video panel discussions.

So remember, on the April 6th-8th weekend, the place to be for books is the Brains to Books Cyber Convention and Book Expo.


Thursday, 8 March 2018

Book Spotlight: Clockmaker

Today I have another delightful book spotlight, this time for the paranormal steampunk novel Clockmaker by Kristen Brand. Enjoy!

Clockmaker by Kristen Brand

The crew of the airship Sultana is nearly destitute. No one knows this better than its captain, Melek, who’s almost desperate enough to sell her treasured family heirlooms to pay her crew’s wages. Then a reclusive gentleman wearing a golden mask offers a fortune to transport him and a mysterious cargo to Istanbul. Needing the money, Melek can’t bring herself to refuse, even when her instincts warn of trouble.
Now strange noises haunt her airship at night, and deadly warships stalk the Sultana through dark, stormy skies. Melek’s masked passenger refuses to explain his private affairs, and she enjoys arguing with him perhaps a little too much. But he’s even more dangerous than she suspected, and she’ll have to unravel the dark intrigue he’s brought aboard her ship before it kills them all.

Clockmaker is available at:

About the Author

Kristen Brand likes writing about ghosts but is too much of a wimp to even watch the trailers of horror movies. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found reading novels or comic books, probably while drinking tea. You can find out more about her work and read free fiction at her website,

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Book Spotlight: SINthetic

I have a terrific book spotlight for you today, on the sci-fi crime novel SINthetic by J.T. Nicholas. Enjoy!

SINthetic by J.T. Nicholas

They look like us. Act like us. But they are not human. Created to perform the menial tasks real humans detest, Synths were designed with only a basic intelligence and minimal emotional response. It stands to reason that they have no rights. Like any technology, they are designed for human convenience. Disposable.

In the city of New Lyons, Detective Jason Campbell is investigating a vicious crime: a female body found mutilated and left in the streets. Once the victim is identified as a Synth, the crime is designated no more than the destruction of property, and Campbell is pulled from the case.

But when a mysterious stranger approaches Campbell and asks him to continue his investigation in secret, Campbell is dragged into a dark world of unimaginable corruption. One that leaves him questioning the true nature of humanity.

And what he discovers is only the beginning . . . 

Check out SINthetic at:

About the Author

J.T. Nicholas is the author of the neo-noire science fiction series, The New Lyons Sequence.  The first novel in the New Lyons Sequence, SINthetic, is available now.

J.T. was born in Lexington, Virginia, though within six months he moved (or was moved, rather) to Stuttgart, Germany.  Thus began the long journey of the military brat, hopping from state to state and country to country until, at present, he has accumulated nearly thirty relocations.  This experience taught him that, regardless of where one found oneself, people were largely the same.

When not writing, J.T. spends his time practicing a variety of martial arts, playing games (video, tabletop, and otherwise), and reading everything he can get his hands on.

J.T. currently resides in Wilmington, North Carolina with his wife, a pair of indifferent cats, a couple of Australian Shepherd puppies that are in process of destroying everything that can fit into their mouths.

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