Wednesday 8 February 2012

Sophisticated Science Fiction: A Review of Mine

My Book Review of Mine by Lin Sten:

I believe the book Mine by Lin Sten can best be described as literary science fiction. It is a contemplative, sometimes challenging, book of intriguing concepts and scientific theories, draped with the idea of aliens visiting earth.

Mine tells the story of Selena, a sudden celebrity who claims she is an extraterrestrial, and how her life becomes connected to two scientists and the fate of the Earth, perhaps even the universe.

This is an erudite novel, written to explore issues.  I enjoyed the converging undertones and themes in this book with their weighty and interesting views on science, life and the nature of the universe.  The author examines aspects of cultural values, precepts and science from both human and alien outlooks, creating fascinating subplots.  Another highlight was the solid characterization and the mature outlook the author took on relationships. There are many appealing layers unfolding in the book, swirling about in socially relevant, well-written stew.

I did find the book’s prose a bit dry at times, due more perhaps to the scientific and somewhat academic nature of the characters and the storyline than the author’s style.  Because of this, I feel the book may appeal more to hard-core science fiction fans as opposed to the action oriented sci-fi types.  But I think this novel is worth reading, and I can happily recommend it.

You can find Mine on:


LM Preston said...

Great review. I like scifi but prefer it in light versions. Maybe I'll check this one out.

A. F. Stewart said...

It is a great book.

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