Today author Michael Brookes joins the CoffinHop, coming in from the dark for an interview and offering one lucky person who comments a chance to win a signed paperback copy of The Cult of Me.
Winner will be announced Nov 1st, following the conclusion of CoffinHop.

Interview with Michael Brookes
By day I make video games for an independent game developer
here in the UK. Gaming is one of my passions. At night I read and write, two of
my other passions! I’ve always been an avid reader and I think that’s what
inspired me to first start writing. I don’t think anyone can be a good writer
without a lot of reading.
The Cult of Me is the story of a young man who has the
ability to enter other people’s minds and bend them to his will. For years he
tormented those around him, without any of them knowing he’s the cause of their
misery. Eventually he grows tired of the game and decides to enact a final,
bloody stand. While in prison he discovers that he’s not as unique as he once thought.
Your book deals with mind invasion. Why did you settle on
that idea? Was it the psychological aspect of fear and horror that appealed to
The idea came from wondering what a child would grow into if
they had the power to shape the world around them without any real
repercussions. Ultimately it creates a monster, but he’s not born one.
Why did you decide to write in the supernatural/horror genre
in general? What do you find most fascinating about the genre?
I find something appealing about horror; fear is probably
the first emotion a human ever felt. The supernatural also interests me purely
as juxtaposition from the more secular age we live in.
In addition to novels, you write short fiction. Do you find
horror stories easier or harder to tell with a limited word count?
In some ways it’s easier. The good thing with short stories
is they allow you to explore a single idea without getting too bogged down in
the overheads of a novel.
Do you have a favourite story that you’ve written?
Tricky question. I’m very pleased with The Cult of Me, but I
have a soft spot for My Final Confession, it’s available for free on my blog:
What I like about this story is it takes an apocalyptic
concept and makes it personal. One of my favourite aspects about creating
stories is turning things on their heads.
Who are your writing inspirations?
Clive Barker and Ian M Banks. If I could write half as well
as them I would be a happy man.
You also work at a video games company in the UK. Tell us
what that’s like?
As I mentioned earlier games are one of passions and making
games is hard work, but very rewarding – a bit like writing really.
I’ve just released a few short stories in An Odd Quartet (
with some fun – if dark stories. I’ve finished the first draft of Conversations
in the Abyss, the sequel to The Cult of Me. Through November I’ll be writing
another first draft as a part of the National Novel Writing Month (
You can find out more about Michael at his blog:
You can find out more about Michael at his blog:
And don't forget to comment for a chance to win his book, plus check out the other CoffinHoppers by scrolling down to the list at the end of this blog.
Great interview. I truly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for having me, if anyone wants to know anything more then just post in the comments.
Great interview with Michael! Happy Halloweeeeeen!
Great interview:) Clive Barker is one of my faves too.
earthsbooknook at gmail dot com
Michael Brookes' stuff looks really interesting. I've added it all to my wishlist :-)
gmail address; katy.sozaeva
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