Wednesday, 12 August 2015

My 777 Challenge - Paranormal Style

I don't usually post twice in a day, but I was nominated to take part in the 777 Challenge by fellow Xchyler Publishing author, the very talented Danielle E. Shipley. So I say...

Challenge Accepted!

Basically this is how it works:


And like Danielle, I've decide to share a snippet from my story that is soon to be part of the upcoming  (and as yet untitled) paranormal anthology from Xchyler Publishing.

My story, The Weeping Lady, is loosely based on the La Llorona and White Lady ghost tales. This excerpt is a flashback, to the first time the main character of Eva has an encounter with the ghost.

Excerpt from The Weeping Lady

Hunched under the tree, young Eva didn’t hear the weeping at first, the sound drowned in her own tears and the noise of the river. Then it grew louder, more insistent, until the forest reverberated and the trees quaked with the heartbreaking wail intoned of aching sorrow. Her child’s mind imagined a gruesome horror, and terror sprinted within her skin. Her tears dried up, replaced with frightened whimpers. She pressed against the tree, wishing she could vanish inside the bark. Something was coming for her; she knew it.
The surrounding mist coagulated, twisted, taking strange form and ethereal substance before her eyes, transforming into the figure of a woman.

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

I hope you enjoyed that little snippet, and check out the book this fall.
(And don't worry I'll keep you updated on its release) 

And now for my nominations.

The seven bloggers I choose are:


Aaron Paul Lazar said...

What a great excerpt, Anita! I could feel her terror in my bones.... and I accept the challenge! Thank you!

DarcNina said...

Very nice! I'm looking forward to the full piece! And thank you for nominating me, but unfortunately, I'm not writing anything at the moment... :(

A. F. Stewart said...

Thanks, Aaron. Looking forward to your post.

A. F. Stewart said...

Thanks, Nina. I'm not picky about it being a WIP. If you'd like to post, something from a previous work, or one of your delightful short pieces is fine by me.

Angela Yuriko Smith said...

Chilling! Love this :) Your style of writing is rich. I accept the challenge :)

A. F. Stewart said...

Thanks, Angela. Can't wait to read yours.

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