Thursday, 15 October 2020

October Frights Day 6: Past Legends

Welcome to the last day of the October Frights Blog Hop. To end it all, I have a spotlight on my new release, Past Legends. This is the first book in my Camelot Immortals series and is a dark fantasy based on Arthurian myth, full of witches and magic. Enjoy!

Past Legends

An immortal witch of Camelot. A looming magical crisis. A destiny she’s willing to reject.

All Nimue wants is a peaceful life, but her past won’t leave her alone. And when her friend Iseult brings news that her old rival Morgawse has been abducted, an impending catastrophe lands on her doorstep. And worse, the wizard responsible is Nimue’s ex, Nostradamus.

Dragged into another adventure, Nimue confronts her former flame as he wages a desperate quest, only to be thrust deeper into an escalating crisis. As Nimue struggles to unravel what is happening, she discovers dark secrets that threaten the heart of magical energy. Now it’s her fate to rescue magic for every witch and wizard, including her friends. Trouble is, she wants no part of being magic’s saviour.

Will Nimue step up as a champion? Or will she let the magical world die?

Past Legends: The Camelot Immortals Book One, is a contemporary Arthurian fantasy inspired by the tales we all know and love. If you like strong snarky heroines, wizards and witches, and copious amounts of alcohol, then you’ll love the adventures of Nimue and her friends.

Warning: this book contains offensive language.

The book launches on Oct 28th (and will be in Kindle Unlimited)
but is available for pre-order now for 99 cents.

Find it on Amazon

Here's a taste of the book:

ONCE UPON a myth, or legend, or tall tale, or whatever you want to call it, there existed a wondrous place called Camelot. Full of knights and wizards, magic and quests, a beautiful land of enchantment, fair maidens and ruled by a just king.

Not quite.

Camelot was more akin to a Dark Ages lunatic asylum. I should know, I lived there.

Let me introduce myself. I’m Nimue. I’m a witch and I’ve been alive for fifteen hundred years, give or take a few decades. These days I live in Cumbria, England, in the Lake District, but a long time ago, I lived in the aforementioned Camelot, that mysterious land of magic and legend. Also a place with no running water, no modern medicine, and where basic hygiene could be iffy. Warriors in leather jerkins and dented helms roamed its dusty roads, not knights in armour, and usually held a drink in one hand while the other groped a woman’s—well you get the idea.

I never meant to get involved, with either Camelot or magic, but one day a handsome stranger walked into my father’s tavern.

Merlin, the grand wizard of Camelot.

I should have stayed in the tavern.

In addition, I'm offering the Camelot Immortals two story prequel, Eternal Myths, for free to anyone who preorders Past Legends or purchases it during launch week. Just message me at my Facebook author page with a Past Legends proof of purchase for the prequel download link.

And I have some more myths and legends for you with this great giveaway!

C.L. Cannon’s Myths & Legends Reader Giveaway

And don’t forget our group giveaway with 23 great books available. 

Ends October 31st.

The October Frights Giveaway

Well, that's it for this year.
Be sure to check out the rest of the hoppers for their last day offerings.

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