Thursday 8 September 2016

Blog Tour: Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter

Today, Are You Afraid of the Dark? joins the blog tour for the new release, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter by C. A. Verstraete. This is a special treat for me, as I have long held an interest in the Lizzie Borden story, and what could be better than paring it with zombies!  I have a great interview with the author who talks about her book, plus a Rafflecopter contest to win an e-copy! Enjoy, my minions...

Interview with C. A. Verstraete

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I’m a journalist, freelance writer, author, miniaturist and dog lover. Did I leave anything out?

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter releases Sept. 13 in print and for Kindle. It answers the question that everyone asks, did she or didn’t she? My answer? What if Lizzie did it… because she had no other choice?

About the book:

Every family has its secrets…
   One hot August morning in 1892, Lizzie Borden picked up an axe and murdered her father and stepmother. Newspapers claim she did it for the oldest of reasons: family conflicts, jealousy and greed. But what if her parents were already dead? What if Lizzie slaughtered them because they’d become zombies? 
   Thrust into a horrific world where the walking dead are part of a shocking conspiracy to infect not only Fall River, Massachusetts, but also the world beyond, Lizzie battles to protect her sister, Emma, and her hometown from nightmarish ghouls and the evil forces controlling them. 

Why did you decide to write in the zombie/horror genre?

I’ve always been a fan of Stephen King and enjoy a good scare, so I guess it’s natural I began writing what I like to read. And once I started watching The Walking Dead, I was hooked. I found it was yes, fun, to write about zombies.

Why did you write this book? What was your inspiration?

I’ve enjoyed reading more historical fiction, but when it comes to writing, I like mixing it up with horror so adding zombies in became a perfect way to do both. Once I looked at the Lizzie Borden autopsy photos, I realized I’d found the perfect fictional explanation to the crime. I’m surprised no one else took that approach.

What did you enjoy most about writing your book?

It might sound strange, but I enjoyed writing the zombie fighting scenes. Some may seem a bit humorous even in a sordid way. I can’t help it. Besides, there are only so many ways you can have people fighting so you have to have some fun with it.

What did you find most challenging about writing your book?

Matching the real dates of Lizzie Borden’s trial and the fictional outline I had for my story. I had to fit things in but move the story along. I had to speed the story up given the trial wasn’t held until June, 1893 following Lizzie’s arrest in August, 1892. Even then, the wheels of justice moved slowly. Plus, I had certain fictional elements to fit in between the trial and her release. Yeah, complicated. Ha!

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

It might be destiny. I have a favorite baby photo of myself showing me with a newspaper and a pencil behind my ear. I ended up being a newspaper reporter. I always thought that was interesting. But I was a big reader as a kid and always found words fascinating.

How do you research your books?

Lots of reading and note-taking. The fun is finding things you never knew or something that you think can be fit into the story idea you have.

What advice would you give beginning writers?

Never give up. Writing can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging and offer some heartbreak, too. No matter what anyone says, rejections can hurt. You have to keep going, keep trying and keep believing in your project. There will be others who see the same value in your story as you do.

What do you like to do when you're not writing? Any hobbies?

It’s a contrast, I admit. I kill zombies in fiction and create/decorate dollhouses when I’m not. But it’s another creative outlet which I love doing. I have some photos of my work on my website,

Are you working on another book?

I am outlining a sequel to Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter. There are questions that still need to be answered and I’m not quite ready to give up on Lizzie yet. I’ve come to like her a lot.

Follow the blog tour and be sure to get your copy of Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter in print and Kindle Sept. 13!

Add it on Goodreads:

And please, review it on Goodreads and Amazon.

You can find C. A. Verstraete  at these sites:

Yes, there is a contest to win 1 of 10 Kindle copies (ends 9/14.). Entrants MUST enter an email as a blog comment or on the rafflecopter to be sent a gift copy if they win. Sorry, no time to hunt you down. No email, no chance to win.

Think you know Lizzie Borden? Read on! 

The blog tour schedule is:

Mon. Sept 5 - GirlZombieAuthors – Introduction – A Little About Lizzie

Tues. Sept. 6 - Jaime Johnesee blog – 12 Questions for Lizzie Borden

Weds. Sept. 7 - Jean Rabe's blog – Lizzie Borden… Dog Lover?

Thurs. Sept. 8 - AF Stewart blog interview

Fri. Sept.  9 - Haunt Jaunts blog – More Lizzie

Sat. Sept. 10 – Stephen D. Sullivan blog - Lizzie Films

Sun. Sept. 11 GirlZombieAuthors recap

Camille Minichino blog  - Why oh why zombies?

Mon. Sept. 12 - Horror Maiden's Book Reviews

Tues. Sept. 13 - RELEASE DAY!!!

Join the FB Release Party - prizes, guest authors, zombie fun!! (See info posted on my Facebook page and website.)

Weds. Sept. 14 - Lizzie as a Zombie Hunter - Chapter Break Book Blog

This isn't the end! Get your copy. Share a review. And come back to the GirlZombieAuthors blog or the author website for info on another blog tour starting Sept. 26 with Bewitching Book Tours.

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