First up is the launch of my new book, Killers and Demons II: They Return. The official release is October 4th, and I'm kicking it off with a launch party on Facebook:

After the launch, I move into the Killers and Demons II blog tour, starting October 5th and ending October 13th. There's a great line up of blogs to visit, with a nice selection of posts, interviews and spotlights, and a contest . You can check out the lineup here on my blog:
Also, starting today Oct. 1st, the first book, Killers and Demons is free on Smashwords until Halloween.
After the Killers and Demons II blog tour, I take a small break from horror, but not from my busy schedule. A story of mine, Grail Days, (all about witches, Camelot, immortality and a modern day Grail Quest) appears in the new anthology from Xchyler Publishing, Legends and Lore, which is being released on October 22nd. A blog tour will run from October 14th until the launch date of October 22nd, and I'll be one of the talented authors taking part with an interview. And of course I'll be front and center as one of the authors in the book's Facebook launch party. Xchyler Publishing's parties are always fun, and there are cool prizes up for grabs, including the metallic, Celtic bookmarks I'm offering.
And I'm still not done.
With one day of rest (on the 23rd), I swing into the annual Coffin Hop (Oct 24th-31st) which will take me straight on to Halloween.
This year the theme for my blog is Villains, with a side order of Myth. I'll be spotlighting Killers and Demons II, Legends and Lore, doing my regular poetry corner (plus, I'll be posting poems on the Kintsugi Poets Society, which is also doing the Coffin Hop), and I hope to have some guests stop by this year. As well, there will be another contest, with some great prize packs.
So, that's what to expect this month, I hope you join in the fun.
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