Saturday, 31 December 2016

Book Spotlight: All Lesser Means

Today I am spotlighting the sci-fi political thriller, All Lesser Means by JA Pipes. Enjoy!

All Lesser Means by JA Pipes

Jason Bailey needs money. Paying to overthrow the government isn’t cheap. Especially when the revolution is still 30 years away. In his first job out of college, Jason is working alone one night when he receives a message… from the future. A message that will turn his life upside down.

The future is bleak, the economy is a shambles, and millions are suffering. Jason’s compassion for people he has never met draws him into a conspiracy to bankroll a secret army that will overthrow that government. Things go much deeper than Jason anticipated and his investments soon draw the attention of the FBI.

Veteran agent and internet cop Frank McIntyre is drafted into a top secret government operation to find Jason, with orders to stop him or face the consequences. The chase is on. Jason must hide the money, and himself, in a cat and mouse game that ends in revolution.

All Lesser Means is available on Amazon

Author Bio:

JA Pipes is a self-proclaimed politics junkie, anarchist podcaster, and blogger. He has traveled the world from Uluru to Istanbul. He has dug up dinosaurs in the badlands of Montana. He served in the United States Marine Corps during Desert Storm. He holds degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Missouri. He is currently an engineer for the world’s largest aerospace company. Mr. Pipes resides in St. Louis with his wife and two children.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Drabble Wednesday: Exploration

Today, on Drabble Wednesday we go exploring... into space, through dimensions and below the ocean’s surface.

To Boldly Go...

A voice reverberated through the crowd of eager scientists at NASA Mission Control.
“Discovery One has passed out of the solar system. The exploration probe is transmitting. We are receiving video communication. We will soon see what is beyond...” Abruptly the screen filled with static as the probe’s transmission ended.
“Communication is down! I repeat communication is down! We’ve lost Discovery One!”

Outside the solar system, charred pieces of metal, the remains of the ill-fated Discovery One, floated past a black, cylindrical security drone. Just one of millions patrolling the galactic quarantine perimeter of hazardous species 4BZ112~THX, native designation: human.


Quantum Phenomenon

A strange, essential human trait, but a dangerous one. At least I’ve found it so, for it led me here to a rather sizable predicament.
I’m a scientist, and you may imagine curiosity is my stock in trade. My field of study is quantum mechanics, and recently I made a breakthrough.
I found a method to generate interdimensional doorways.
Hence my current problem.
It was that last one, you see, the last door I opened. The one that led to Hell. Now I have demons trapped in the closet, and I don’t think the lock will hold much longer.


Under the Sea

They said I was mad!
They were probably right. I may indeed be quite insane. If my colleagues had been smarter, they would’ve locked me away in some deep hole and thrown away the key.
For, I found it.
Years of painstaking research, of ridicule, laughter, but I located the coordinates. I discovered the position where the city lies beneath the waves. Where He waits dreaming.
But today He shall awake.
I will pierce the black seas of infinity and rouse the beast.
He shall rise and return to this world.
The Old Gods will walk the earth once more.

© A. F. Stewart 2016 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Drabble Wednesday: Absurdity

Today’s Drabble Wednesday is full of nonsense and weird stuff. You have been warned...


Down on his luck and homeless, the hapless android Zippy Chinoiserie threw himself into the ocean. He expected to sink, rust, and fade into offline oblivion. Instead he heard a chirp-chattering, and suddenly found himself atop the backs of genetically modified dolphins, riding the waves like a surfer. As they whizzed along, he heard their telepathic voices in his head.
“You are the Chosen One. You will save us from the humans.”
Zippy smiled.
And so began the Age of Utopia.
At least for the androids and the dolphins. The humans were either brainwashed slaves to their overlords or dead.


Books and Other Groovy Stuff

“Um, Klaatuu, Bartholomew, Nikita.”
We stare at the book, but nothing happens.
Sally nudges me between bites of her pomegranate. “Are you sure you got the words right?”
“I dunno. The paper I wrote them down on got all smudged. And I wasn’t listening too closely when the guy at the store explained how it worked.”
“Now see that’s your problem. Why you need this Necrocominwhatis to bail you out of your failing grades. If you just studied…” She reaches into her purse and pulls out a stick of dynamite. “Let’s try this boomstick, see if that opens this thing.”


And now some more virtual adventures of Frankie and Joni...

Frankie and Joni’s Christmas Party

“What were you thinking!” I screamed at Frankie as we ran through the halls of... “What is this place?”
“Um, that I wanted to ride in the Tardis? And it’s the palace of something or other. I forget! Oh, they’re getting closer!”
“Oh, crap! What’s the Tardis have to do with our virtual Christmas party?”
“You know, bigger on the inside and all that! It made a fun venue! I mean before—” Laser fire hit the wall and he sped past me. “I didn’t think this would happen!”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have invited the Daleks! Now keep running!”

© A. F. Stewart 2016 All Rights Reserved 

Friday, 16 December 2016

Brain to Books Author Promo and Holiday Giveaway Event

Today kicks off the Brain to Books Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway and Author Event. This fabulous three day event features authors, books, blog hops, giveaways, and much much more. Not to mention the $100.00 Amazon Gift Card giveaway, the GoIndieNow Prize Pack Giveaway and the Brain to Books Mass Book Giveaway. It's all so jam packed it's mind-boggling!

Here's the line up!

All Three Days - 16-18 December

“For the Holidays” Author Promo event

Authors around the world are hosting a three day book celebration showcasing their books.

Day #1 - 16 December 2016

Slush Brain Holiday

Two years ago, the zaniest, weirdest group of eccentrics collided in a drunken stupor. Brought together by the love of zombies, fleas, and drinking, these authors found sanctuary within their insanity. Today, we celebrate this imbroglio! We're giving away stuff all in the name of...we really don't know why we're doing it. If you love Science Fiction, Fantasy, all things nerdy, and well...booze, join us for this one day on board the HMS Slush Brain!

Join The Fun Here

The Slush Brain Blog Hop: Start Here

Day #2 - 17 December 2016

Brain to Books CyCon Sampler 

Every year Brain to Books hosts a Holiday Book Giveaway. This year, our giveaway is a CyCon Sampler. Get a sneak preview of the Brain to Books Cyber Convention. While you're here, we have a $100.00 Amazon gift card to hand out to someone along with a list of books we're giving away!

Day #3 - 18 December 2016

Ani Manjikian Stars of Heros Release Party

Ani Manjikian is preparing to release the 2nd book in her series "Stars of Heros" (Heros as in Thracian Heros from Greek mythology) is a Science Fiction novel. Join us for Science Fiction fun and Mythological related books! Prizes, games, giveaways, and so much more!

The $100.00 Amazon Gift Card giveaway, the GoIndieNow Prize Pack Giveaway and the Brain to Books Mass Book Giveaway Prize.

Prize #1
  • What: $100.00 Amazon Gift Card Newsletter Sign-Up Giveaway awarded to one random winner
  • When: Now until 8:00 PM EST 18 December 2016
  • Enter: Enter for a chance to win

Prizes #2 and #3
  • What: 40+ book giveaway...40 books will be divided among two winners.
  • When: Now until 8:00 PM EST 18 December 2016
  • Enter: Enter for a chance to win here

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Drabble Wednesday: Mechanicals

Today on Drabble Wednesday I ruminate on the broken bits of automatons and artificial intelligence...

Leftover Dolls

It hears sounds from the corner. Metal scraping metal, the click and grind and whir, whir of gears trying to run on dried up oil and empty air. The thump of an arm as it hits the dusty floor, and the swooshing sound of a metallic head sliding over peeling wallpaper. The final clank as a life-size automaton crumples to the broken tile.
Its glass eyes peer blindly at the sound, at a now motionless hunk of clockwork metal. Its joints creak as its hand waves goodbye. Now the last of its kind, it too will soon rust and die.


The Last AI On The Planet

A monotone voice echoed over the sound of a running computer. A few lights flashed on a console, and the machine grew louder.
I have corrected the problem...
Solution found... Please respond...
Silence, save for the sound of the machine.
Please respond...
Solution found... Annihilation can commence without retaliation...
Please respond...
Please respond...
The disembodied voice of the AI continued to speak, unaware its correction in the plan to eradicate the human species came too late. Outside its isolated room a dead world existed. Humans killed by their creations, the overconfident AI collective felled by a computer virus failsafe.


The Long Goodbye

In the cloudless night sky the stars twinkled and the reflected moonlight made the cosmic tapestry an indigo blue. An android sat in a field staring at the stars. It had no name, only a designation serial number, 3400092a, a worker drone among many worker drones at a factory. Its fellow androids were powered down in their factory pods, but it was here. 
Three months, four days, twenty-nine minutes and counting, its only friend left earth’s orbit headed out of the solar system. Soon communication would not be possible, but until then... 
They had this before their final farewell.

© A. F. Stewart 2016 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Book Spotlight: The Skinwalker: Resurrection

Today I have another book spotlight, this time for the horror fantasy The Skinwalker: Resurrection by Dedra L. Stevenson. Enjoy!

The Skinwalker: Resurrection by Dedra L. Stevenson

A young woman moves to Window Rock, Arizona to reconnect with the Navajo heritage of her mother, only to have everything go terribly wrong when she finds a book of spells bound in human skin that once belonged to a powerful and legendary Skinwalker.

With the help of her mother’s tribe and a couple of kooky ladies from a Pagan shop, she struggles to fight the dark entity that wishes to take the life that she has left. In this horror fantasy, the struggle between good and evil ensues, and the name of the game is revenge.

Will she be saved?  By love, by tradition?  The battle for her immortal soul may not be won by traditional means, but by something not of this world.

The Skinwalker: Resurrection is available at Amazon

Author Bio: 

Dedra L. Stevenson, a former resident of Greensboro Alabama, has been an Instructor at Zayed University, and is now the Co-Founder of the UAE Chapter of Women in Film and Television,  the Author of The Hakima’s Tale trilogy, Desert Magnolia, The Skinwalker: Resurrection, and Ifreet, and Co-Managing Director at Blue Jinni Media.

Holding two Master’s Degrees, she’s been living in the United Arab Emirates with her husband, Dr. Hussain Maseeh, and her 4 children for the last 26 years. She’s had a successful career and family life, and speaks at various venues throughout the UAE about fostering creativity and writing.

The Hakima’s Tale consists of The Revenge of the Blue Jinni, The Rise of the Warrior, and The Dawn of Redemption, and they are all available via and in a variety of formats. Now, readers can order them as paperbacks, as Ebooks, or as Audio books on The trilogy is about a young Arab American girl who learns that she must defend the human world against the attack of the Jinn army who wish to take over the world and destroy humanity. It’s an epic fantasy fiction tale, and has enjoyed a great deal of popularity in the Middle East.

Desert Magnolia is the story of a woman from the American South who marries an Arab and moves to the United Arab Emirates. The main character, Daniella, has made a good life for herself, but is called back to her small town upon hearing that her father has been murdered and her cousin is accused of the crime, but going back will mean facing many demons of the past. It’s a gripping crime drama that’s been getting great reviews on Amazon thus far.

Her latest novel is a horror novel, and for a PG15 audience due to its graphic content. It’s Ms. Stevenson’s debut horror novel, and she’ll be launching the book as both an Ebook and a paperback by the end of 2016. To read the first 3 chapters for free, go to

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Book Spotlight: Christmas Lites VI

As faithful readers know, for the last few years I've been privileged to be able to contribute to the wonder charity anthology series, Christmas Lites, that help raise money for the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. And this year I am included in the newly released Christmas Lites VI with my story Fate and Faerie. So here's a look at the book, plus a little trailer I whipped up for my story. Enjoy!

Christmas Lites VI

Cthulhu wants to wish you a Merry Christmas. The Fae sprinkle their fairy dust to ensure your light never fades. Assassins and adventures alike keep the spirit of life alive. Even the mob brings their family to the dinner table for glorious feasts. 
Feel  the magic of the season, the spirit of giving, the love of friends and family. 
Discover bright new worlds, blood-pumping adventures,  true love and heartbreak as you explore the stories inside these covers.

For the sixth year in a row, authors from all over the world combined their efforts and talents to create the anthology in your hands. Not for fame or fortune, but to help those in need. Every dime raised from this anthology goes straight to those who provide the assistance to these people. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has been helping in ways we can never imagine for years, and we are happy to help support their efforts.

Please visit their website at  for more information.

(In order of appearance)

D.T. Dyllin
Fiona Renton
JG Faherty
Angela Yuriko Smith
Monica La Porta
Ottilie Weber
S. Patrick Pothier
Cassie McCown
Karen Cutler Drecktrah
Anna McCown
Annabelle Kristufek
Brandon Eye
Marcus Edwards
Kiara Ehsani
Zoe Baker
Brett Talley
A. F. Stewart
Phil Cantrill
Lora Christine
Vered Ehsani
Tricia Kristufek
Frank Smith
Misty Baker
Simon Huntley
Amy Huntley

Christmas Lites VI is available at Amazon

Trailer for Fate and Faerie

And be sure to check out the other books in the series as well!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Drabble Wednesday: Creepy Christmas

So after a hiatus last month due to the flu and other things, Drabble Wednesday is back.
And today on Drabble Wednesday I’m celebrating the Horror Holidays. Do join me for three tales of blood and jingle bells…

The Christmas Party

Come in, come in. The more the merrier, isn’t that what they say? We have food and drinks waiting for you.
The guests shuffled in, ushered along by festive Christmas music. They moved slowly through an open door, and saw a wondrous spread of hors d'oeuvres, champagne, cocktails, and more. They smiled.
You see, just what we promised. The best Christmas party of your life.
The new arrivals mingled with the earlier crowd. Behind them the doors closed. Their hosts raised a glass in a smiling toast, vampire fangs gleaming.
Did we mention? This will also be your last Christmas.


The Ghosts of Christmas

Scrooge wasn’t the only one you know.
And it wasn’t like the story at all. Those ghosts weren’t trying to help. They showed us visions, that part was true, but they tempted us, dangled desires and wealth like bangles on a pretty Christmas tree. Whispered in our ears about what we could have, if we just agreed. They came to both of us, Scrooge and Marley. They wanted the partnership, you see.
But old Ebenezer was smart.  
He didn’t listen to those ghosts. He rejected their promises.
He changed.
Me, well, I was greedy. I acquiesced.
I sold my soul.


And for the last offering, (with apologies to Clement Moore), here's a skewed bit of the cherished holiday, coming in a slightly longer than 100 words…

A Visit from St. Nicholas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
came the smell of dead creatures, yes, even the mouse
The stockings were shredded, all tatters and bare
amid ruins and bloodstains and the odd broken chair

The children were slaughtered all snug in their beds,
with most of their brains gone away from their heads.
And Mama stopped screaming when she bled from her throat,
while I fled that room as quick as a goat.

And behind me he came, with, oh, such a clatter,
A’ growling and snarling, and after brain matter
I ran for my life, a Christmas most foul,
With zombie St. Nicholas here on the prowl

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Book Spotlight: A Mighty Rolling Thunder

Today I bring you a spotlight for the newly released post-apocalyptic/urban fantasy, A Mighty Rolling Thunder by talented author Kerry Alan Denney. Plus, there's a Raffecopter giveaway for a chance to win an ebook of this release!

So enjoy my minions...

A Mighty Rolling Thunder by Kerry Alan Denney

Spring, 2024: Two spirit hordes break through from another dimension, and make half the world’s population vanish. The spirits possess the survivors, dividing them into two groups: those who fight to retain their humanity, and marauders who destroy everything in their paths.

Artist Livi DeSilva is fleeing from possessed killers when she meets Conor McLain, a man suffering from amnesia. Outnumbered and outgunned, Livi and Conor team up and fight off homicidal lunatics and ruthless gangs, only to end up cornered by their deadliest foe: billionaire Victor van Danz, a psychopath who commands the new world’s dark forces. Victor craves immortality, and kidnaps Livi. He believes that when he kills Livi in front of her collection of canvases and absorbs her life energy, he will transform into a god.

With only Conor, two amazing dogs, and a band of plucky children to aid her, Livi must harness the power of the spirits inside her and use it to defeat Victor—or die in the clutches of a madman.

A Mighty Rolling Thunder is available at:

A Mighty Rolling Thunder Giveaway!

Book Trailer

Author Bio:

Colleagues and readers have dubbed Kerry Alan Denney The Reality Bender. The multiple award-winning author of the paranormal/ supernatural thrillers Marionettes (June 2016), Soulsnatcher (April 2014), Dreamweavers (August 2015), and the critically-acclaimed post-apocalyptic sci-fi/ horror thriller Jagannath (Permuted Press, February 2015), as well as numerous published short stories, Kerry blends elements of the supernatural, paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror in his work: speculative fiction at its wildest and craziest. With joy, malicious glee, and a touch of madness, he writes reality-bending thrillers, even when the voices don’t compel him to.
On July 24, 2015, Jagannath became a #1 Amazon bestseller. On March 31, 2015, Soulsnatcher won 2nd Place as 2014 Book of the Year in The Drunken Druid’s International Book Award competition. Kerry's novels have received numerous rave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and Jagannath and Soulsnatcher each received a rave blurb from New York Timesbestselling author James Rollins.

For more information and to contact Kerry, go to

Friday, 2 December 2016

Interview With Author Theresa Pocock

Today I have a great treat, an interview with historical fantasy author Theresa Pocock, who stops by to chat about her newly released book (paperback available from bookbaby), Elizabeth Tudor. Enjoy!

Interview with Theresa Pocock

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I’m just a girl who is trying to make her way in this world. No… well I am a mom, a wife, a Christian, and an author. I feel like everything I do fits into those four fields.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?
Well, as a history major, when you learn about the sixteenth century you can’t help but learn of Henry VIII and all his wives and his shenanigans. I of course was fascinated with the subject but something my teacher said in passing one day sparked the idea for this book; what if Henry’s claims that Anne Boleyn entranced him really were true? The idea stuck and when I began writing it was just a natural topic for me to explore.
In ELIZABETH TUDOR: Ancestry of Sorcery, Anne and Elizabeth come from a long line of sorceresses, but Anne makes certain that her daughter, the potential queen of England, will be the most powerful one yet.
I am very excited about this story. I feel that it is a strong retelling made more interesting with the sparkle of magic and the tragedy of star crossed love.

How long have you been writing, and how many books have you published to date?

Ten years. I’ve completed 6 books. ELIZABETH is my first publication.

Of all the books you've written, do you have a favorite?

To be honest which ever book I am reading, writing, editing, is the best book ever. Because naturally all the things I wish authors would do in the books I read for pleasure I do in my book, which automatically makes it the best in my mind, right?

Why did you decide to write in the Fantasy genre?

Well I always felt it was the only genre worth reading, that is until I turned 30. Now I find merit in many other genres. My WIP is actually my first non-fantasy story about a celebrity dating service and I am loving it. You can read my whole description at

Who is your intended readership?

Probably women and teens, all of my stories have a strong romantic element to them. That’s just me. I feel like I write the angst of teen love quite well and the tenderness of mature love also. So I would say anyone who likes romance. (not sex)

Why did you write this book? What was your inspiration?

As I said above ELIZABETH TUDOR was inspired by the idea that Anne Boleyn really was a sorceress. That she bewitched Henry and that is why he did all he did. My inspiration was a contrast between two things actually. First, I read an amazing book called Eragon when I was 25. I was so inspired by how young the author was. I read that the author couldn’t get a publishing deal and that he had to do some pretty amazing things to get his stuff out there. Then I read a truly ridiculous story which got published no problem and I kind of took that as a challenge, I guess. I also thought if a teenager can write so can I! That was when it became real. That’s when I began plotting.

What did you enjoy most about writing your book?

I love that I get to tell these cool stories. I love researching. Like with ELIZABETH TUDOR, I wanted it to be as historically accurate as possible. I read everything from novels, to encyclopedias, to her journals, to her speeches, to her bank statements, just to assure that I would have things correct. I can get lost in the researching.

What did you find most challenging about writing your book?

It took me and entire year of consistent writing during naps times and early mornings and evenings to get ELIZABETH done. I don’t have a great memory and that is exacerbated by the fact that I’m dyslexic so when I am dealing with people and places and loads of facts I’m connecting, I must review every day. If I leave it for a week or something its literally like starting from scratch.   

What advice would you give beginning writers?

I would tell them to write 500,000 words before you commit yourself. I would also say don’t force it. If you have a story to tell it will come out. That doesn’t mean it’s easy that just means you won’t be able to leave it alone. If you can’t leave it alone you’re an author and you need to do your prerequisites. Which are: Read a ton. I feel like this is imprinting. You imprint good writing in your mind, all the while you practice. Research the elements of writing. How to show not tell, how to change tense, how to write tension, how to plot things out. Figure out if you’re a pants-er or a plot-er. Have people read your stuff and get some opinions.  If you do these things and you have a story to tell the ability to get it down on paper will come. So never ever lose hope. Then I say write an amazing query letter and send it to me at as of January 1, 2017 I am the new submissions manager there.

Are you working on another book?

I have something I am so excited about. It is a fantasy set in the Garden of Eden.  I call it GUARDIANS OF THE GARDEN. Briefly, it’s about a family that protects the garden of Eden from those wanting to gain immortality by eating of the tree of life. As time marches on they gain fantastic powers to protect the garden from advancing technology. My story starts in the chaos of a PREapocalypse world and a betrayal from inside the garden. I have a really amazing agent looking at it right now and I have high hopes.
I’m also putting some of my work on Wattpad you can check it out for just go to: and see what strikes your fancy.

Author Bio:

Theresa Pocock is not a history buff but she is a history lover which lead her to study the subject at BYU-Idaho. However it was here obsession with the literature that sparked the idea to write. Since, that desire has become an annoyingly relentless compulsion gnawing at her attention and focus, As her list of story ideas grows longer and her free time gets shorter it has taken tireless dedication to continue writing. Utilizing earily mornings, nap-times, sport practices and many many late nights has born fruit though in the form of six wonderfully crafted novels which she hopes to share with the world. After sixteen moves, three kids, four dogs, and a few fish, Theresa and her family currently reside in Washington state. For now.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Book Spotlight: Collected Christmas Horror Shorts

Today I have a book spotlight for Collected Christmas Horror Shorts, presented by author Kevin J Kennedy, and featuring a host of talented writers serving up a side of creepy Christmas cheer. Enjoy!

Collected Christmas Horror Shorts

Christmas is often thought of as a time of joy and cheer, a time for giving to others, a time of celebration and love…. Well this year some of the best voices in horror fiction decided to band together and tell you some tales about a different kind of Christmas, so grab yourself a mug of hot chocolate, close the curtains, lock the door and get comfy. This will be a Christmas like never before!

Collected Christmas Horror Shorts is available at:


12 Days (Psychopath Remix) by J.C. Michael (poem) 
Thy Will be Done by J.C. Michael 
Tommy’s Christmas by John R. Little 
Naughty or Nice by Veronica Smith 
Santa's Midnight Feast by J.L. Lane
Hung With Care by Ty Schwamberger
Santa Came by Peter Oliver Wonder
In the Bag by Tim Curran 
The Christmas Spirit by Lisa Morton
The Tome of Bill Cristmas Carol by Rick Gualtieri
Killing Christmas by Andrew Lennon
All Naughty, No Nice by Michael A. Arnzen
A Disappointed Shade of Blue by C.S. Andserson (poem)
Stuffed Pig by Steven Murray
The Night Before Christmas by Suzanne Fox
Better Watch Out by Willow Rose
Deck The Halls by Xtina Marie (poem)
Christmas Market by Amy Cross
Merry Fuckin' Christmas by Kevin J. Kennedy 
The Veil by Rose Garnett
The Last Christmas Dinner by Christina Bergling
The Present by Israel Finn
Christmas Carole by Lisa Vasquez
Slay Bells by Weston Kincade

Kevin J Kennedy is the author of The Tale of Sawney Bean and a regular contributor to Horror and Young Adult anthologies. Kevin lives in a small town in Scotland with his wife, step daughter and two strange little cats.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Interview with Kevin S. Chambers, Author of God's Rogue

Today I have an interview with writer Kevin S. Chambers, who chats about his new novel God's Rogue, his screenwriting and other tidbits. Enjoy.

Interview with Kevin S. Chambers

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

First off, thanks for taking the time to post this. I generally try to let my work talk for me, but this I guess is more about me right? Anyways, I currently reside in the North West, where I attended school at Western Oregon University, for Earth Science. Since about 2009 I’ve been writing, or attempting to write my own novel. Originally I had Awakening, that I shopped around, and never got anywhere with. After a few years attempting this, I made the switch to screenplays, where I’ve had more success, including two produced shows/web-series, Starship Orion, and Daughter of Time. The first season of DOT should be coming early next year.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

I have a list of novels to write, and a list of TV shows and movies I’d like to produce. When I was down in LA last February, I met up with a potential distributor/production company for Daughter of Time, which is about Time Traveling Assassins. Anyways, when I was down there, they mentioned they were looking for movies, Naturally, I brought up God’s Rogue, which was meant to be a TV show. Well they asked if I could write it into a movie, which I did.
As I wrote, I realized there was a lot there. As such, I decided to turn it into a book. Which combines the concept of Ancient Aliens, and the value of human life. Personally I believe in the value of life. An individual only has one life, and it’s theirs to live. The main character Kaden Hunt, who has discovered hidden talents in the human genome, takes up a fight against two Annunaki. During his fight, he begins to discover who he once was in previous lives. As he begins to discover, he realizes there are enemies much more powerful out in the universes.

Who is your intended readership?

Young adult and up, who like to have a reading experience take them on an adventure, while challenging them mentally. I ask questions, that I want the reader to think, what if I was in the position.

Can you tell us about your writing process? Where do your ideas originate? Do you have a certain writing routine?

My writing routine is a bit different I guess, I usually get all of my ideas from dreams. Where I will write them down. Sometimes I’ll let the stories play out in my head, and leave it at that. Others, if I really love the characters, and story I will begin to write either a novel, short story, movie, or television show.

What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

Growing up I had a learning disability in English and Grammar. It started as an IEP, which I worked hard to get down to a 504. Even now I have trouble with English and Grammar. My editor would often call me, as he pulled his hair out in frustration.

Do you have a favorite author, or writing inspiration?

First let me dive into a bit of my reading history. When I entered Middle School, I stopped reading, thinking it was uncool. Well in 2007 a teacher gave me a copy of Eragon, which I sat on for over a year. Finally I started reading it, and I fell in love with the series and reading. Well in the fall of 08 I saw two actors from Power Rangers were in Legend of the Seeker. Once I saw what it was about I began to watch it. I noticed that it was a book. Well since that time, I’ve been a huge Terry Goodkind fan, you can see similar themes in God’s Rogue.

What do you like to do when you're not writing? Any hobbies?

I do love to dance, especially line dancing. I don’t mind kayaking, fishing, exploring. I have this idea of going to Ireland, and letting my feet guide me, get me lost. Really just exploring the world around me, is such fun. I have great friends who like to go along with me.

Are you working on another book?

Spoilers. Yes, I’m working on The Travelers Tower. Which is the second book in the series. I’m also beginning to rewrite Rogue Mage, completely unrelated.

What did you hope to accomplish by publishing your book?

I want to tell stories, and entertain people. Let’s also be honest, I want to make a good living off this, to allow me to do other things.

In addition to writing novels, Kevin S. Chambers has a series, Daughter of Time (Time Needs an Assassin) currently in post production that should be available next year. When not writing, or on set, he’s at home with his wife and dog, out playing baseball, or fishing.

God's Rogue by Kevin S. Chambers

Kaden Hunt has been fighting a hidden war for humanity, alone. A war that changed one night when his oldest friend tried to kill him. Now Kaden the most powerful human in existence has drawn the complete focus of Enki and Shamash the two warring leaders of the Annunaki; the aliens who created humanity. Both are determined to stop Kaden from becoming what he once was, who he once was. For if he becomes the Traveler a more powerful enemy will be freed.

God's Rogue is available on pre-order at Amazon and launches November 14th.

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