Friday, 7 December 2007

My Newest Book

Are you an Action Movie enthusiast?

Can’t get enough of the chills and thrills?

And despite this love, do they ever annoy you?

Do you ever say to yourself, come on, that would never happen in real life?

If so, then this book is for you.

The Incomplete List of Action Movie Clichés

Come read my quibbles and complaints about the Action Movie Cliché.

Book Preview


Thursday, 11 October 2007

Want to be a contributor to a book?

I'm currently writing a quick book listing my favourite action movie clichés. If you would like to offer your favourite overused plot device, feel free to contact me. If I like it, and have not yet thought of it, I'll put it in the book, and list you as a contributor.
So here is your chance to see your name in print.

Sunday, 30 September 2007

Why is Self-publishing the wrong move?

Answer: It's not necessarily wrong at all.

I recently Googled, looking for information on editor services for the self-published. I kept coming across articles on how you should not self-publish, that you should always try the traditional publishing route.

This made me angry. Why are people so against self-publishing?

One article said the self-publishing companies are just in it for the money. True. But traditional publishers are in it for the money too.

Publishing your book comes down to either fighting through the system (and it is a fight to get a traditional publisher to even look at your manuscript), or doing the work yourself with self-publishing. And if you are going to self-publish it is going to take work. But it should be your choice.

And yes, there are a lot of bad books self-published. But there are bad books published the old-fashioned way as well. I know I've read some.

I say stop bad-mouthing the self-publishing industry and try to fix it. Opportunities are better the destroying potential dreams.

Saturday, 22 September 2007

Cafepress Store

I now have a store at Cafepress:
I've got notecards, postcards, mugs, posters, and other stuff for sale. All with designs and logos from my books.
Take a look, you might find something you like.

This store is now closed.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

New Book Published

My newest book, Inside Realms, has been published on
It is a fantasy short story collection, of six short stories, telling the tales of wizards, magic and vampires. Plus, there is a sneak peek at the upcoming novella Chronicles of the Undead.

Here is the link: Inside Realms

Here is a Press Release: Press Release

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Online story- Part 2

Eternally Lost

I died in 1093, in England, but I still walk the earth. I am of the Undead, one of the condemned. We are the dead who attain no peace with the closing of our mortality, we are the souls who walk the shadows.
Purgatory is not what you have accepted.
Tonight I watch the moon, and the slivers of light that are dancing upon my night. I bathe in the moonlight, surrounded by the wood and the wind. It is silent and beautiful.
I am waiting for Robert Sinclair, my sad, despairing soul. We have much in common, despite the fact he is yet alive. We are forlorn souls.
For I am damned to walk among the living, to be invisible to those full of spirit. Only those such as Robert, the desperate ones, can see the Undead.
So, sometimes, we reach out. To touch what we were, what has vanished. It is even whispered in the shadows, that to save a despondent soul is to find our redemption.
I wonder, now and then, if that could be true.

Monday, 27 August 2007

Online Short Story

I've started an ongoing short story over on my blog at MySpace, and I'm going to post it here as well.
Here is the first entry:

I died in 1093, in England, but I still walk the earth. I am of the Undead, one of the condemned. We are the dead who attain no peace with the closing of our mortality, we are the souls who walk the shadows. Purgatory is not what you have accepted.
Tonight I watch the moon, and the slivers of light that are dancing upon my night.

Monday, 20 August 2007

How things go wrong.

I finally finished my short story collection, Inside Realms, after much delay in the last editing processes.
First a plotline just wouldn't mesh, (got it eventually), then the roofers (noise is very distracting when you are editing), and of course I must not forget the computer problems. (Never try to set up a new computer, and transfer files from the old one, when you do not have a great deal of time to spare.)
But, I persevered and at last, I uploaded the file to Went through the whole publishing process, uploaded the cover design, set the price, and had it ready for sale on my storefront. I even put links on my website.
Then on Sunday, I went to my storefront to check on things, and there it was: No Book. Due to problems on Lulu, the whole thing had been deleted. They are working on restoring the book, but I may have to re-publish.
It has left me wondering what else can go wrong?

Tuesday, 17 July 2007


I'm holding a contest to pick the cover of an upcoming novel.

Go here: to vote in the poll.

If you tell me why you voted the way you did, you might win a free ebook!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

To Self Publish?

Why isn't self-publishing a highly regarded alternative for would-be authors? I think it should be, especially in these days of money over art.
Of course you can get a lot of crap published as a book, badly written or badly plotted, but mainstream publishing puts out crap, too. The DaVinci Code springs to my mind as a good example. So I say the argument of self-publishing as a haven for hacks is full of holes.
In fact I say self-publishing may be the only way some writers can get published, and that is a loss for readers who won't give self published books a try.
I think self-publishing should get some respect.

Friday, 11 May 2007

My Yahoo group.

I just created a group on Yahoo, for the promotion of self published writers, and their readers.
Anybody who wants to join is welcome. I am trying to start a self publishing forum with this group, to help authors get their work out to the public.
I am encouraging shameless promotion!
Here's where you can find the group: PODauthor

Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Just posted my book on Google product search.
And I am a member of, where you can view my bio, book info, poetry, and my news.
Here's the link:

Thursday, 26 April 2007

New Author Releases First Book Of Poetry To The Print-on-demand Publishing Market.

View my Press Release at the above link.


Hi, I'm a writer and I'm pleased to announce that I have just self published my first book on
It is a book of poetry, entitled Tears of Poetry, available here: Tears of Poetry

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