Thursday 30 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 30: Words Matter #NaPoWriMo

This last poem, for Day 30 of National Poetry Month, speaks for itself...

Words Matter

Tossed, strewn, bandied,
careless language stew
slights, happenstance, hurt
that wandering miscue

I love you ~ doesn't mean it
I miss you ~ a cheater
who never thinks twice

Player ~ Lover
Philanderer ~ Husband
Secure ~ Fearful
Respect ~ Disdain
Selfishness ~ Compassion

You’re ugly ~ hates the mirror
and too fat ~ binge dieting
self-esteem just excised

Nerd ~ Individual
Geek~ Distinctive
Independent ~ Alone
Proud ~ Afraid
Labels ~ Acceptance

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday 29 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 29: In Memory of Forgotten Loves #NaPoWriMo

To reminisce about lost love, on Day 29 of National Poetry Month...

In Memory of Forgotten Loves

Wandering the streets of old Paris, lost
in tender thought, our woven dreams rose glossed
Our sweet hands entangled, in youth’s concord
grasping absolute love, as we adored,
until affection fled with winter’s frost

Another love, passion’s kiss breathed star-crossed
Fire and ice, lovers sailing tempest tossed
The flame died quickly, we became unmoored—
wandering the streets

Years produced caution, and love less embossed
reflected esteem, contemplated cost
I tried, but often her heart, I ignored
The day she left, I watched as the rain poured,
churning the soot and the smell of exhaust
wandering the streets

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday 28 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 28: Flickering Shadows #NaPoWriMo

A little shadow play on this Day 28 of National Poetry Month.

Flickering Shadows

That darkened silhouette playing at dance,
where sunshine greets night, melded in sync.
Framed against hues, red, copper and pink;
an evening of flirting, with shades of romance

Come hither shadow, black depths askance,
its raven obscurity donning a colour of ink
That darkened silhouette playing at dance,
where sunshine greets night, melded in sync

Dusk ever fading, the union’s last glance,
daylight’s course waning, forever to shrink
as night-time envelops, moon on the brink
A shift in the partners, yet it will prance
that darkened silhouette playing at dance

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved  

Monday 27 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 27: Scales of Justice #NaPoWriMo

Today we traverse the halls of justice, on this Day 27 of National Poetry Month...

Scales of Justice

The scales of justices are ever weighed
with the sorrow of victims, their disfigured lives,
our fragile expectancy and blind trust betrayed
The scales of justices are ever weighed
Witness to punishment, fairly meted, debts paid;
smallest of comfort, but there hope survives
The scales of justices are ever weighed
with the sorrow of victims, their disfigured lives

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved

Sunday 26 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 26: Unwillingness to Bend #NaPoWriMo

On Day 26 of National Poetry Month, I bring a poem about the obstinate spirit...

Unwillingness to Bend

feckless youth
and loathe to bow
to rule or reason
forever cloaked in scorn
abject fool and misplaced truth
such agitation of the mind
an unselective melded medley
careless arrogance of distended eyes

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Saturday 25 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 25: My Life as a Soundtrack #NaPoWriMo

Put on your dancing shoes and shake your hips for this Day 25 poem for National Poetry Month...

My Life as a Soundtrack

Come now, put those old records on,
spin me round, maybe dance ‘til dawn
Why don’t you bring some rock and roll,
deliver me that beat with soul.

Remember when, our lifetime gone,
come now, put those old records on
Slow down, relax, and drift away
far back toward sweet summer days

That ticking time can wear you down
Hear the music and twist your frown
Come now, put those old records on,
beneath soft light and curtains drawn

Crank up the volume, high and loud,
rattle the bones, and shake it proud
Feel the beat while they wail their song
Come now, put those old records on

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved

Friday 24 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 24: Kicking and Screaming #NaPoWriMo

Some contemplative musings for Day 24 of National Poetry Month.

Kicking and Screaming

Inevitable change fought valiantly
preordained progress postulating
inside turmoil screaming,
kicking past certainty
forward momentum
momentum forward
certainty past kicking 
screaming turmoil inside
postulating progress preordained
valiantly fought, change inevitable

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Thursday 23 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 23: Topped With Whipped Cream #NaPoWriMo

I have a treat for Day 23 of National Poetry Month, a deliciously decadent double poetic post for your enjoyment...

Whipped Cream Night

lick your lips
in anticipation
of the tasting

sucking fingertips
lightly drizzled
in chocolate sauce
carelessly misplaced

awaiting delight
topped with whipped cream

wrap your tongue

a spoonful of sundae


Topped With Whipped Cream

so luscious
its peak of whipped cream
waiting, ready to be devoured


© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Wednesday 22 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 22: Earth Day #NaPoWriMo

A poem for Earth Day and Day 22 of National Poetry Month.

The Vanishing Earth

Feel the squish, squish
of wet beach sand
beneath bare feet
the smooth slime
of mud puddles
in the rain

Inhale the scent
of the forest
after a thunderstorm
the first flower
of spring

Experience nature

before it vanishes
under asphalt

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday 21 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 21: Forbidden Passion #NaPoWriMo

It's short and sweet for Day 21 of National Poetry Month...

~Forbidden Passion~

beneath the sunshine
we swelter, palpable heat
our hands secretly entwined

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Monday 20 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 20: Love Insanity #NaPoWriMo

Today's poem, for this Day 20 of National Poetry Day, hearkens towards broken hearts and madmen...

Love or Insanity?

Love insanity
Love banality?
Banality bait
Wait for love
Wait in vain?
Vain endeavours
Vain forever
Forever searching
Forever lost
Lost love
Lost your mind
Mind your heart
Mind your words
Words of love
Words of hate
Hate betrayal
Hate being lonely
Lonely life
Lonely anger
Anger building
Anger spilling
Spilling over
Spilling out
Out with heartache
Out and about
About you
About reprisal
Reprisal walking
Reprisal stalking
Stalking the ex
Stalking complex
Complex feelings
Complex thoughts
Thoughts black
Thoughts insanity?
Insanity maybe
Insanity swirling
Swirling around
Swirling brain
Brain clicking
Brain ticking
Ticking clock
Ticking off
Off to see
Off limits
Limits and hurts
Limits in love

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Sunday 19 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 19: The Lizard King #NaPoWriMo

Today's poem (on this Day 19 of National Poetry Month) is less of an original work, than a reworking on an older poem (first published in my book Tears of Poetry). I hope you enjoy this second take on Jim Morrison...

The Lizard King

Dark Rider of the Storm.
nighthawk above the streetlights

The poet with a voice,
husky and sensual.
Bleeding that lingering cadence
across the stratosphere

Showman, Ringmaster
to the screaming crowd.
Bring them into mind evolution

You struck the fuse,
dictates of the muse,
and traversed the pyre
of your soul.

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Original version published in Tears of Poetry
© A. F. Stewart 2007 All Rights Reserved 

Saturday 18 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 18: Languishing in London #NaPoWriMo

I'm going international again, on this Day 18 of National Poetry Month...

Languishing in London

Pitter-patter comes the rain
across the river Thames
The double-decker honks its horn

To the pub and back again
Sometimes I want to scream
Pitter-patter comes the rain

Never much, on the telly
I wish that I could soar
across the river Thames

My grey skies, my grey life
I step out into the street
The double-decker honks its horn

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Friday 17 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 17: No Preconceptions #NaPoWriMo

Some introspection today, on this Day 17 of National Poetry Month.

No Preconceptions

My dollies rarely dined at tea
they played castaways lost at sea
While I dreamed
of bulletproof bracelets
and a Dark Knight’s cape

I loved dancing ballerinas
and the wild, wild west,
sci-fi, spies, and mysteries,
but superheroes the best

Girls aren't cookie cutter
women aren't toys
We have hopes and sorrow
ideas and joys

Our power comes
from a single place
the human heart,
maybe edged in lace

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Thursday 16 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 16: Last Chance #NaPoWriMo

I'm back on the dark side today with the poem for National Poetry Month, Day 16...

Last Chance

The thrash of angel wings grows near
Can you hear, can you hear?
Your coursing heart, the beat yet strums
But death it comes, your death it comes

The angels beckon, they gather high
Still you lie, still you lie
Your final chance, will you confess?
Or shall my knife be your last caress?

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 15: The Last Train #NaPoWriMo

The lonely whistle is blowing for this National Poetry Month, Day 15 poem...

The Last Train

The train whistle sounds
sounds its haunting echo across
across the station and time
time to leave behind your loss

Standing on the platform, knowing
knowing your unseen baggage—pain
pain that travels the journey with you
You still board the last, outgoing train

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday 14 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 14: Reciting by Moonlight #NaPoWriMo

It's off to Paris for today's poem, on this Day 14 of National Poetry Month:

Reciting by Moonlight

Quietly sitting in a Parisian café
beneath the night of a silver moon
not far from the Champs-Élysées

A peaceful, tranquil end of day
under starlit shafts from la Lune
quietly sitting in a Parisian café

Strains of Tennyson drift my way
as I stir espresso with a spoon
not far from the Champs-Élysées

Strong words, the voice holds sway
the impromptu recital, such a boon
quietly sitting in a Parisian café

I close my eyes, all cares away
in poetry immersed, ears attune
not far from the Champs-Élysées

A perfect night, coffee, a beignet
But alas this will end, far too soon
Quietly sitting in a Parisian café
not far from the Champs-Élysées

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved

Monday 13 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 13: The Perfume of Grapes #NaPoWriMo

I've decanted my poem for Day 13 of National Poetry Month...

The Perfume of Grapes

Plump, on the vine
The sweet purple, nectar bouquet
Plump, on the vine
Hanging low, ready for the wine
Bordeaux, Merlot, or Cabernet
awaits the harvest, that buffet
Plump, on the vine

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Sunday 12 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 12: Last Dance #NaPoWriMo

We trip the light fantastic, and darkly, in my daily poem for Day 12 Of National Poetry Month...

The Last Dance

Our starlit night, a celestial crown
perched in glory atop our lives.
The music begins, a rhythmic waltz;
it’s our final dance, before the end.

Perched in glory, atop our lives,
splayed out, together memories;
moments we laughed, or cried.

The music begins, a rhythmic waltz;
the strains of our favorite Strauss
imbue the night and our hearts.

It’s our final dance, before the end,
before that concluding breath,
before that last kiss of forever.

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Saturday 11 April 2015

Three Featured Poets and a Daily Poem #NaPoWriMo

On April 7th I hosted a poetry slam on Facebook to celebrate my book release and National Poetry Month. As part of that slam, three lucky poets were chosen for a feaure on this blog. Here are those talented poets and their delightful poems. Enjoy...

Baby Shoes

For you, Lily, who never wore shoes
on your two tiny blue feet
For you, Noah, whose only shoes
were supple, lamb-leather
without any scuffs
For you, Carl, who lost your red shoe
in a New York subway,
along with the rest of you.
May you wear shoes of gold in Heaven

© Susan Budig 2015


Colors of Happiness

in pink
for their
little pieces
of happiness
in red
n’ sunny
of my
busy days…

© copyright Daniel Shivas April 7, 2015

Image Credit: By Brian Snelson from Hockley, Essex, England (Flower Hmong women) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons



I was in life’s colors conceived and made,
And born to bright and singing shades
Of reds and greens and blues and all
The colors human eyes could even see.
And as I grew, they grew with me...
Brightly expanding into my world to show
Us all there was no point in choosing one
When all of them were there for all to see.
I became adult, a man grown and filled with
Self-certainty and knowledge that these 
Colors always with us were and would ever be
Bringing with them her love and my joy in it.
Our children were in colors conceived and made
And born to bright and singing primary shades
That made up our lives and gave us
Joy in each and all and ever one another
Life’s joyous colors carried us into forever
Until the colors began to fade in abrupt silence
All we’d done and made began to lose the luster
Of the joy from when the colors first were new
The children left and birthed their own,
Their own colors to make and see, and their own
Lives to lead and follow. But from our lives the
Colors faded surely as the last leaves of autumn.
And like the single-color white of winter, the
Death of color in our life came suddenly, no alarm
Sounded, no warning spoken, just the rapid fade
Of all life’s colors to the inexorable white of death.

© 2015 R C Larlham – All Rights Reserved to Author


And now for my daily poem.
Today is Day 11 of National Poetry Month and here is my offering:

A Smile Away From Tears

One smile
One frozen smile
One plastered smile
painted in lipstick

One false
One fake
One mask
One smile away

From breaking down
From letting go
From showing all
the pain
the misery

One frozen,

From tears

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Friday 10 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 10: Cocoon of Self Banishment #NaPoWriMo

Without further ado, my daily poem for Day 10 Of National Poetry Month:

Cocoon of Self Banishment

In life’s sheltered expectation
consigned, contained to your station
still, wordlessly you yearn
Infinity wrapped frustration
entangled amidst temptation
for escape to discern

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

If you're a fan of my poetry, be sure to check out my new book, Colours of Poetry

Thursday 9 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 9: Change Of Season #NaPoWriMo

Here's my daily poem for Day 9 Of National Poetry Month

Change Of Season

A youthful glance, a coquettish flutter
And the jade wind tingles, a first blush
Change of Season

Daring ventures, a darling vixen
And the ruby wind stirs, with budding heat
Change Of Season

Life learned wisdom, emergent maturity
And the topaz wind abates, the early chill
Change of Season

The vacant resound, his straying eye
And the opal wind shifts, twisting frigid
Change Of Season

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

National Poetry Month Day 8: Awkward #NaPoWriMo

Today, for National Poetry Month, I have two poems. One for Day 8 and one for Day 7. Yesterday's poem was originally posted on Facebook, as the blog was preempted by the release of my new poetry book, Colours of Poetry. However, I thought my blog readers might like it so today it's a two for one deal. Oh, and I have the names of the winners of the Colours of Poetry Rafflecopter giveaway. Enjoy.


To dance with eloquence…
Sigh. I have two left feet

She stands across the floor
But I have two left feet

To twirl her in my arms
Sadly, I have two left feet

Would we tango, do a dip?
Alas, I have two left feet

Should I try? Should I ask?
I’m afraid. I have two left feet

To dance with eloquence
The impossible dream
I have two left feet

© All Rights Reserved A. F. Stewart


Dallying Outside the Box

Outside the looming, proverbial box
Against the sprint of ticking clocks
I dally, dally, and the whole world gawks
Perhaps it’s me, or my mismatched socks
I’m outside, outside, always peering in
Staring at you with my lopsided grin

I open my mouth; I have something to say
“Love the clouds, and their shade of grey”
I shimmy, I shimmy, shattering feet of clay
Is it time to prance, my hour of play?
I’m trapped in a box, a box, cried the mime
A mimicry set to the tower bell chime

Outside I stand, beyond your crate
No act for me, with a balancing plate
I dilly, I dally, my whole life’s a fete
And no jackets for me, not crooked or strait
I’m beyond, beyond, just out of reach
Always grinning at you, ain't I a peach?

© All Rights Reserved A. F. Stewart


And now for the giveaway winners

The three winners are:

Veronica Hosking
Henry Brabyn
Sheila Deeth

I'm emailed each winner about their prize of a free ecopy of Colours of Poetry.
Congratulations to all!

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Book Spotlight: Colours of Poetry

Today's the release day for my new book, Colours of Poetry!
Here's a spotlight to introduce it to the world.
Plus, there's a Facebook party, and a giveaway!

Colours of Poetry by A. F. Stewart

Light through a prism, and we see colour.

Colour is all around, enveloping our lives and feelings. Through tinted shades we see the world, with emotional ties that bind.
Within the book, Colours of Poetry, you will find eleven sections, all representations of different hues, each featuring seven poems that explore the intricacies and fallacies of our world. Come and sail the Sapphire Sea and Sky, cringe at the Crimson Bloodstains, wonder at the Emerald Creation, dazzle in the Lemon Daybreak, linger in the Tangerine Sunset, sniff the Violet Petals, feel Umber the Earth, let the Black as Night and Death surround you, shiver as you pass by White Winter Bones, lose yourself in the Grey Haze, and stare up at the Silver Stars…

You can find the book at:


Under the Midnight Sun

Here, there is no illumination
but from the misaligned sun
on the far wandering horizon
And in our everlasting days
we spend our transitory sanity
chasing gilded gleams of hope

© All Rights Reserved A. F. Stewart


Author Bio:

A. F. Stewart was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, and still calls it home.  The youngest in a family of seven children, she has always had an overly creative mind and an active imagination. She is fond of good books (especially science fiction/fantasy), action movies, sword collecting, and oil painting as a hobby.
Ms. Stewart is an indie author with several published novellas and story collections in the dark fantasy or horror genres, with a few side trips into poetry and non-fiction. She has a great interest in history and mythology, often working those themes into her books and stories.

And be sure to check out the book release party, Colours of Poetry Slam, happening today on Facebook:

And enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway to win a Smashwords copy of the book:

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