Saturday 11 April 2015

Three Featured Poets and a Daily Poem #NaPoWriMo

On April 7th I hosted a poetry slam on Facebook to celebrate my book release and National Poetry Month. As part of that slam, three lucky poets were chosen for a feaure on this blog. Here are those talented poets and their delightful poems. Enjoy...

Baby Shoes

For you, Lily, who never wore shoes
on your two tiny blue feet
For you, Noah, whose only shoes
were supple, lamb-leather
without any scuffs
For you, Carl, who lost your red shoe
in a New York subway,
along with the rest of you.
May you wear shoes of gold in Heaven

© Susan Budig 2015


Colors of Happiness

in pink
for their
little pieces
of happiness
in red
n’ sunny
of my
busy days…

© copyright Daniel Shivas April 7, 2015

Image Credit: By Brian Snelson from Hockley, Essex, England (Flower Hmong women) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons



I was in life’s colors conceived and made,
And born to bright and singing shades
Of reds and greens and blues and all
The colors human eyes could even see.
And as I grew, they grew with me...
Brightly expanding into my world to show
Us all there was no point in choosing one
When all of them were there for all to see.
I became adult, a man grown and filled with
Self-certainty and knowledge that these 
Colors always with us were and would ever be
Bringing with them her love and my joy in it.
Our children were in colors conceived and made
And born to bright and singing primary shades
That made up our lives and gave us
Joy in each and all and ever one another
Life’s joyous colors carried us into forever
Until the colors began to fade in abrupt silence
All we’d done and made began to lose the luster
Of the joy from when the colors first were new
The children left and birthed their own,
Their own colors to make and see, and their own
Lives to lead and follow. But from our lives the
Colors faded surely as the last leaves of autumn.
And like the single-color white of winter, the
Death of color in our life came suddenly, no alarm
Sounded, no warning spoken, just the rapid fade
Of all life’s colors to the inexorable white of death.

© 2015 R C Larlham – All Rights Reserved to Author


And now for my daily poem.
Today is Day 11 of National Poetry Month and here is my offering:

A Smile Away From Tears

One smile
One frozen smile
One plastered smile
painted in lipstick

One false
One fake
One mask
One smile away

From breaking down
From letting go
From showing all
the pain
the misery

One frozen,

From tears

© A. F. Stewart 2015 All Rights Reserved 

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