Saturday 31 January 2015

Interview With Author Susan Berliner

A great interview today on the blog, with the talented author, Susan Berliner, who stops by to chat about her books and writing. Plus, she shares an excerpt from her latest book, Corsonia. Enjoy.

Interview with Susan Berliner

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I was born in London, England, came to America as a little girl, grew up in the Bronx, New York, and got my BA at Queens College. I've been a teacher, newspaper reporter, editor, promotion manager, and non-fiction writer. I have two children and three grandchildren. I live in Yorktown Heights, NY, a northern suburb of New York City, with my husband, Larry, a retired English teacher who is writing a humorous memoir.  I enjoy reading, Scrabble, swimming, and sports. Unfortunately, however, I root for the Mets and Jets, teams that rarely win.

You've published several books to date. Can you share a bit about them?

DUST is a supernatural thriller about an evil swirl of colorful dust that sneakily attacks random victims in a quiet suburban condo community. The heroine, Karen McKay, a librarian, battles the evil dust with the help of her ex-husband, Jerry, and an intuitive dog.
Peachwood Lake is a thriller about a mysterious jumping fish that terrorizes a small Connecticut town while Kady Gonzalez, a 13-year-old girl, struggles with her own terrifying problems of growing up.
The Disappearance is a time travel thriller about a young woman, Jillian Keating, whose boyfriend, Ryan Cornell, disappears and frames her for his murder. The book culminates in an elaborate sting operation as Jillian and her friends travel through time to lure Ryan into their clever trap.
My new novel, Corsonia, is a mind-control themed thriller about two teenage girls from Long Island, New York—Loren Cofton and Tracie Martinez—who drive cross-country in celebration of their high school graduation. But when they enter Corsonia, a little town in the remote hills of northeastern Nevada, they uncover a horrifying trail of evil, turning their fun vacation into a life-threatening adventure.

What do you enjoy most about writing supernatural thrillers?

I love sitting at the computer, not knowing what's going to happen next in my story, and letting my characters direct the action. When I write, it's as if my characters are actors who are performing my novel on a stage or movie screen. They speak their lines and I simply transcribe their words. Very often, I don't know what they're going to say or do. I thought this occurrence was unique, but many novelists describe similar experiences. It's the excitement of not knowing that makes fiction writing so entertaining for me. 

You started your writing career as a journalist and writer of non-fiction. Why did you decide to try your hand at fiction?

I never intended to write fiction. However, when I was working as a promotion manager, I read a small online article about a strange weather phenomenon called a "dust devil," a miniature tornado strong enough to toss dust and dirt into the air. In this news clip, a dust devil lifted the roof off an auto body shop, collapsing most of the building, and killing the owner. Since the story was so weird—and it happened in Maine—I was sure Stephen King would write a book about some kind of supernatural dust. I forgot about the article until I found it a few years later and realized Stephen King had never written a novel about weird dust. Then I got an idea, which became the basis for my first novel, DUST.

What do you find most challenging about writing fiction, as opposed to non-fiction?

With non-fiction, you collect facts, outline your information, and put it all together. It's a very organized and straightforward job. For me, writing a novel is nothing like that. I don't outline chapters and, as I mentioned, although I know my characters and the basic plotline, I don't know what's going to happen in the story. I sit at the computer and let my characters tell me: It's a fascinating and entertaining experience. But that's only for writing the first draft. The challenge comes afterwards when I have to edit the book (my characters don't know everything) and do the necessary research. That's work!

Has anything surprised you in the course of writing your novels? Do you have any anecdotal tidbits or funny stories you’d like to share?

As an author of supernatural thrillers, I've had a couple of weird, nearly supernatural, experiences. After my first novel, DUST, was published, I had a book 
signing at a small nearby café, and, just before I arrived, the power went out. About two hours later, the electricity was still off when the café owner escorted me to the restroom in the back. Out of habit, I flicked the light switch, and, at that exact moment, the electricity returned—and the light went on. The owner told me he got goose bumps and he even asked me if I had paranormal abilities. (I thought maybe I could be a new super heroine—Electric Woman?—until I found out that heavy winds had knocked down a nearby power line.)
Then, a couple of years ago, I had another strange, although not quite supernatural, experience. At a book signing in Ossining, we had a tornado warning and all vendors had to go inside the building, a facility for seniors. That's when I sold a copy of DUST—a novel about a mini-tornado—to a 100-year-old lady named Dorothy, the heroine's name in The Wizard of Oz, another tornado story. 

What advice would you give beginning writers?

My advice is to treat writing as a job—something you have to do. Get into a writing routine and force yourself to work for a certain amount of time every day. That's what I do. Even if I don't feel like working, I close the door to my den, concentrate, and write. And it doesn't have to be for a long period of time. Set aside an hour, half an hour, or even fifteen minutes. There's always time to write. You just have to make up your mind to do it!

Who (or what) has inspired you as an author?

The ideas for my first two novels, DUST and Peachwood Lake came from newspaper articles. I wrote The Disappearance, a time travel thriller, because I've always loved reading time travel stories. My new novel, Corsonia, deals with another of my favorite themes: mind control. Ideas for books pop into my head all the time. I have to push them into the recesses of my brain until I'm ready to begin working on a new story or novel.

What’s next for you?

I'm currently writing a collection of short stories. Like my novels, the stories all contain a bit of the supernatural, although some are horror, others are fairytales, and the one I'm writing now is a ghost story. I've completed six so far and I hope to write at least fifteen.
I'm also working on a two-part doomsday novel, The Touchers. I wrote the first draft of Part One and I've written most of Part Two. But it got tedious—maybe because the story is told in the first-person by a teenage girl. Nevertheless, I hope to get back to this project soon.

You can check out more on Susan and her books on these sites:




And now for a sneak peek at her latest book:


Can two teenage girls save a town?
When Loren Cofton and Tracie Martinez visit the remote hills of northeastern Nevada on a cross-country drive celebrating their high school graduation, the fun vacation quickly morphs into a perilous adventure.
After photographing an abandoned gold mine, Loren swipes a bottle of water from an eerily robotic man stocking bottles in the only occupied store of an otherwise deserted shopping center. The water's effect on Loren leads the pair to investigate the strange little town of Corsonia—despite threats from the local sheriff. And when Loren and Tracie befriend a child named Boy 11, who tells them about his curious life and upcoming fate, the girls become even more determined to figure out what is going on.
As the relentless teens uncover a horrifying trail of evil, they put their own lives in dire jeopardy. Will the girls be able to rescue the people of Corsonia—or will Loren and Tracie become the town's next victims?


Loren and Tracie reached the yard with the flopping clothes and stood quietly, watching the shirts and pants swaying in rhythm with the warm breeze.
"I don't know," Tracie said. "It still seems kinda quiet here. If there was a bunch of people around, we'd hear something, wouldn't we?"
Loren lowered herself to the ground, leaned against a bush, and gazed at the back of the two-story yellow shingled house. "Do you see any lights on inside?"
"No," Tracie said as she sat beside her friend. "But it's daytime and the sun is shining so that doesn't mean anything. This whole trip was your idea so what do you want to do next—peek in the window again?"
"Maybe." Loren slapped the pebbly grass with her left hand. "Damn! I thought for sure we'd just find some people who live here and talk to them outside. I don't want to tiptoe around and have that sheriff come back."
"Yeah. Well, I told you this wouldn't be as easy as you said. Maybe no one's living in this place either. Maybe they don't use any of these houses anymore."
"Then how do you explain the laundry?" Loren asked.
"Maybe they just use this house to wash their clothes."
"For a whole bunch of people? That's not enough clo..."
Loren stopped talking in mid-sentence at the unexpected greeting, which came from behind the bush.
The two girls turned and faced a boy, who looked like he was eleven- or twelve-years-old. His blond hair was cropped in a short crew cut and he wore a black oversized tee shirt that said "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and a pair of men's brown shorts so baggy that they would have fallen down if he hadn't been wearing a belt.
The boy stared at Loren and Tracie, but didn't speak.
"Hi," Tracie finally said, smiling. "I'm Tracie and this is my friend, Loren. What's your name?"
The boy looked puzzled and kept staring at the girls.
"It's okay," Tracie continued, speaking slowly and quietly. "You can talk to us. We won't bite you." She smiled again.
"Why would you bite me?" the boy asked, pausing between each of the five words. "People do not bite," he added in his strange staccato-like speech pattern.
"I was just trying to make a joke," Tracie explained.
"What is a 'joke'?" the boy asked.
Tracie looked at Loren, who shrugged. "Well, a joke is something that's funny—something that makes you laugh."
"Oh, a laugh, like from a smile. I can do that." The boy made a wide grin.
"That's right," Tracie said. "Very good. So we told you our names. What's your name?"
"I am called Boy 11."
"Yes," Loren said. "But what's your real name?"
The boy looked at her unhappily. "I do not understand. I am Boy 11."
Tracie grasped Loren's hand, holding it tightly. "That's fine, Boy 11. Do you live here?" She pointed to the house behind the laundry line.
"That is the school," he said.
"Oh," Tracie said. "You go to school with teachers and other children?"
Boy 11 nodded. "Teacher."
"It sounds like fun," Tracie said, smiling again.
"We do not laugh in school," the boy said, frowning at her.
Tracie waited a moment before continuing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, but we'd like to meet some of your family."
Boy 11 continued to frown.
"Do you have a family?" Tracie asked quietly.
Boy 11 sat across from the two girls and lowered his head. "I found books in a big box on floor one," he said in his choppy speech. "I took three books to read and I learned about 'family.' There was mother, father, sister, brother."
"Oh," Tracie said. "You don't live like the people in the book?"
The boy shook his head. "I live with Boy 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12."
"What about Boy 1, 2 and 3?" Tracie asked.
The boy shrugged.
"Maybe they're little," Loren suggested.
"Yeah," Tracie agreed. "But Boy 9 must be bigger. What about him?"
"I do not know," Boy 11 said in his slow clipped speech, looking sadly at Tracie. "Boy 9 is gone."
"You don't know where he went?" Loren asked.
"No." The boy looked as if he was going to cry.
Tracie quickly changed the subject. "So where do you and the other boys sleep?" she asked.
"In a house."
"Yes. But where is the house?"
"I do not know. A man takes us there after school."
"Why aren't you in school today, Boy 11?"
The boy tilted his head downward again. "I like to walk outside so I leave."
"And the teacher just lets you go?" Loren asked.
Boy 11 shrugged.
They remained quiet until Tracie continued the questioning. "Doesn't the teacher notice you aren't there?"
"I do not know," the boy said, his head still lowered.
"Wish I could've done that in school," Loren muttered.
Tracie elbowed her friend softly in the ribs. "When do you go back inside?" she asked.
"When the sun moves down," he said, raising his head and glancing at the sky.
"Does the teacher say anything when you walk back into the room?"
Boy 11 shook his head.
"Okay, then," Tracie said. "Who else is in the school with you?"
"Boy 4, Boy 5, Boy 6, Boy..."
"All the boys you live with that you mentioned before," Loren said, interrupting him.
"What about girls?" Tracie asked. "Are they in your school too?"
"Where do the girls go to school?"
"I do not know," he said, shrugging.
"Wow," Loren murmured and Tracie poked her in the ribs again.
"Is there anyone else in your school?" Tracie asked.
"Woman 28."
"And what does she do?" Tracie continued.
"She makes the food, cleans the rooms, and washes the clothes." Boy 11 nodded toward the swaying laundry.
"Sounds like Cinderella," Loren muttered.
Boy 11 stood up abruptly. "I must go into the school now," he said, looking at the girls. "Do you have a story book?"
Tracie shook her head. "I'm sorry, Boy 11. We don't have any books with us. But we can come back tomorrow afternoon and bring you a book. What would you like to read about?"
"A family—a family with a mother and father and children."
"Sure." Tracie smiled. "We'll find a good book for you, Oh, and please don't tell the teacher you talked to us."
Looking confused, Boy 11 stared at Tracie. "I do not talk to Teacher."
"That's fine then," she said, smiling again. "We'll see you tomorrow, Boy 11."
"Goodbye," he said. Then he turned and ran to the house.

Friday 30 January 2015

Interview with Michael Schutz-Ryan

Today I bring back horror author, Michael Schutz-Ryan, this time for an entertaining interview.

Interview with Michael Schutz-Ryan

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I live in California now, but I’m a Midwestern guy. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, long enough ago that I remember playing outside until the street lights came on. Terrible winters inspired my move out to San Francisco, but then I discovered that the Bay Area is cold and grey most of the time! I’m in northern California now, with my husband and our three furry cat children.

You've released your debut novel, Blood Vengeance. Can you tell us about the book?

It’s about a young man, Brennan Cooper, who moves to San Francisco for a fresh start. He finds out that a slain serial killer and his victims haunt the apartment downstairs. So on one level, the book is about Brennan, fighting to free the souls of these girls, trapped for all these years with their murderer. But Blood Vengeance is also about Brennan, this bullied kid, finding his way in a new city.

Why did you decide to write a horror novel, and what attracts you to the genre?

I have always loved horror. My mother raised me on Tales from the Darkside and Alfred Hitchcock Presents. I started reading early Ray Bradbury—you know, the real dark, creepy stories from The October Country—and Stephen King pretty early on. I’m attracted to this idea that behind the reality we see and touch and smell every day, there is a dark side. Peter Straub writes a lot about that—tears in the fabric of reality, and the dark worlds lurking behind. Blood Vengeance is a coming-of-age story, a story of triumph that is very personal to me. I couldn't help but write it through the lens of horror.

You've also had a few short stories published in anthologies. Do you enjoy writing in the short form more than penning a novel, or vice versa? Or do you find they both have their own rewards?

They do each have their own rewards. A book is a long, complex journey. I can explore many themes and ideas in a novel, create a wide range of characters to populate the world. That’s fun. Freeing. But short stories are satisfying for the exact opposite reason. They can be quick and brutal. I get in, get out, scare the reader, put a disturbing thought it their heads and walk away.

Did anything surprise you during the process of writing your book?

I was surprised at how long it took! Short stories were my passion for a long time. Transitioning from ten pages to three hundred pages was harder than I had imagined. Here I thought I would just need to write a longer story, but it turns out there’s more to it than that. Just to scratch the surface, adding supporting characters and subplots was a new experience—and ended up as my favorite aspect of Blood Vengeance.

What do you find most challenging about being a writer and an author?

The writing is the easy part (more or less). Finding readers is much more difficult. I have this story—my book—and I think it’s good, it’s entertaining. I want to share that with other people. That’s my goal, to write stories for people.

Who has inspired you as an author?

As far as other writers, Ray Bradbury and Stephen King are huge influences. So are Hemingway and Steinbeck, though you might have to squint to see it! My friend Robert San Souci taught me much about the business of writing. A long list of teachers helped me along the way as well, especially Mari Newton who opened up my world to metaphor and imagery in writing.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I watch many, many movies. Horror films, of course, but I love the Academy Awards. I see all the winners and nominees—not always before the Oscars, but throughout the year afterwards.

What’s next for you?

My second book, Edging, is at the publishers, awaiting a release date. I started my third book just after New Year’s. There are many tears in reality I've yet to explore.

You can find out more about Michael and his books on his website: 

You can also see a spotlight for his book Blood Vengeance here: 

Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Toll of Another Bell: A Blog Tour Stop and Review

Today I'm playing host to a stop on the blog tour for the new fantasy anthology from Xchyler Publishing, The Toll of Another Bell, releasing Jan 31st. I got a review of the book for you, a blurb, a look at the full cover graphic, a giveaway, plus the trailer. And be sure to join the authors on Facebook, Saturday Jan. 31st, for the launch party. Now read on and enjoy...

The Toll of Another Bell

A collection of out-of-this-world short stories that ring true in mortal hearts.

Breath: The Guardian of Souls realizes her life is incomplete and sacrifices everything to find what’s missing.

Awareness: To achieve the status of Magi, Jyn must pass his father’s ultimate test.

Phoenix: Orion loses his wife on their wedding day and uses dark magic to seek her in the afterlife.

Life Under Research Conditions: Can a bioweapon possess a soul and make choices to save humanity?

The Year of No Foals: A miraculous colt and a mysterious old man bring healing to a family ripped apart by tragedy.

Naoki No Yokai: Yokai have overrun a local village, and it’s up to Saga Naoki to discover the reason why.

Jilted River: An Appalachian fairy tale attracts visitors to a state park, but then they start to disappear.

Tower Gods: A thirteen-year-old boy with an oxygen mask befits the role of hero in Watcher Benson’s eyes.

Reality As We Know It: Where otherworldly magic fails, is Row’s friendship enough to mend Singer’s grieving heart?

60 Seconds to Midnight: Fleeing an ancient evil, a young woman from amongst the stars finds unlikely refuge on Earth.

The Authors: 

Jodi L. Milner, Timothy Vincent, Elise Stephens, Thaxson Patterson II, Scott E. Tarbet, F.M. Longo, Ginger Mann, J.R. Potter, Danielle E. Shipley, and TC Phillips

The Toll of Another Bell: A Fantasy Anthology

The Toll of Another Bell is a bit of a fantasy mash-up, if an entertaining one, its magic and mayhem swirled with a bit of sci-fi and a dash of historical imaginings. It veers through a wide speculative spectrum, casting forth myths, enchantments, magic, strange creatures, and mad science in its wake.

Here are some quick thoughts on each of the stories.

Breath: This story is soft and subtle, with a seamless blend of character and parable. The setting and fantasy world is rich and creative, a delicate fabric that perfectly suits the story.

Awareness: The beginning of this story was a bit tangled for me as I tried to decipher my way through the opening puzzle motif, but once my brain clued in, I found the story captivating. The narrative had a tense precision to it without losing its mystical undertone of fantasy and surrealism. And I loved the ending.

Phoenix: An excellent modern re-imaging of the Orpheus myth. The tragic quest, the juxtaposition of the contemporary world against mythology was all woven together in an well-crafted tapestry.

Life Under Research Conditions: This story leans more heavily into the sci-fi realm than fantasy, but it was a kick-ass story regardless. The first-person narration, from the point of view of the traditional “monster”, lent the story a different, sympathetic intimacy I enjoyed.

The Year of No Foals: This tale is the star of the book, with a charming, cozy allure that draws you in and never lets you go until the end. It has a sense of wonder and hope, built atop an undercurrent of heartbreak, and melds the fantasy seamlessly into the story.

Naoki No Yokai: This story was light on the fantasy elements, but I enjoyed its historical, slightly off-kilter world, and the mystery that unravelled. I did have a minor quibble, however. There were a few clever, modern in-jokes that peppered the story. While amusing and witty, they pulled me out of the narrative and marred the flow of the story for me.

Jilted River: Another quiet story, but one with much clout. It was a lovely blending of folktale, superstition, and family ties to create a beguiling narrative.

Tower Gods: This one reminded me a bit of an old fashioned boy’s adventure story, complete with giant robots and mystical mentors.

Reality As We Know It: This story was a very entertaining tale that twists the fantasy element a bit, turning the fantasy creatures into regular people, instead of the other way around. It has a spectacular voice and set of characters, and a sweet tone.

60 Seconds to Midnight: I found this one a engaging yarn with sci-fi and Lovecraftian overtones. The ending was a bit open-ended, though. I love to see a sequel to the story, or to have the tale expanded into a book.

Overall though, the book is a great read and I recommend it.

Book Links:

The Giveaway

Monday 26 January 2015

The Bloody Valentine Horror Hop 2015

Once again I've decided to host a dark, blood dripping Valentine's Day blog hop on February 14th. This year's hop has a tweak though, with a slight name change.

It will now be christened: The Bloody Valentine Horror Hop

Now on with the introductions.

The Bloody Valentine Horror Hop

The premise of this hop is to be the antithesis of Valentine's Day. There's no sweet romance, or lovey-dovey stuff allowed. It's down with the idea of candy and flowers. For one day writers and bloggers will dispense with the sappy romance, and showcase the bad side of love.

We will be celebrating heartbreak, love gone wrong, romantic mayhem and tragedy, hopefully with that little splash of humour and blood. At the Bloody Valentine Horror Hop you will find out what happens when the rose petals die, the candy melts, and lovers are looking for payback.

Hop Rules:

  • Sign up for the hop (see below) 
  • Write a story, a poem, views on the bad side of love, basically any type of post celebrating the horrors of "love gone wrong" (that means no happy endings, no sweet romantic stories) 
  • Add the list of participating bloggers or a link back here to this blog. 
  • Add our lovely logo to your post (feel free to copy or download it) or create your own logo (just include the title: The Bloody Valentine Horror Hop) 
  • Post on Valentine's Day

Note: Contests are optional, but can be included in the post and are welcome.

All you have to do, if you like to to be one of our bloggers and add your blog to the Bloody Valentine Horror Hop list, is click the "add your link" button below and sign up. Note: after signing up you should be able to grab a copy of the list code to add to your post here:  get the InLinkz code 
If you have a problem, let me know I'll be happy to send you a copy of the code.

So, join the fun and mark it on your calendar!


Sunday 25 January 2015

Book Spotlight: Blood Vengeance

Today we have another spotlight, shining bright on a debut novel Blood Vengeance by Michael Schutz-Ryan.

Blood Vengeance by Michael Schutz-Ryan

Sick of being bullied, seventeen-year-old Brennan Cooper packs up for San Francisco to start over. But before he can settle into his new home, Bren is drawn to the abandoned apartment downstairs. In its shabby rooms, he sees the grey and rotting ghosts of murdered girls claw each other in sick imitation of their deaths.
With his wild new friends, Brennan explores the seedy streets of the city. But the laughter and screams downstairs continue to both terrify and entrance him. After meeting Tara, his dream girl, he convinces her to explore the downstairs apartment with him. There they encounter not only the murdered victims but the raging spirit of the girls’ dead killer.
Bren and Tara’s ghost-hunt soon becomes a manhunt as they trace the history of the “San Francisco Ripper.” But retaliation for their meddling is quick and brutal. Now time is running out, not just for Brennan and his friends, but for the spirits of the girls trapped for all those years with their murderer.

You can find Blood Vengeance at:


Publisher Website

Author Bio

Michael Schutz-Ryan was born and raised in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. He attended the UW-Stevens Point and graduated with an English degree from the Madison campus. A lifelong diet of Ray Bradbury and Stephen King whet his appetite for the macabre. A lover of all things horror, he plumbs the depths of Netflix in search of scary movies. Blood Vengeance is his debut novel. His short fiction has been featured in the anthologies Ugly Babies, Cranial Leakage: Tales from the Grinning Skull, and Beyond the Nightlight. He lives in northern California with his husband and the enduring spirit of their cat, Catie.

And be sure and stop back around on Jan 30th, when I post an interview with Michael Schutz-Ryan.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Interview with Author Jacob Rayne

Today the blog is hosting an interview, this time with talented horror author Jacob Rayne. He chats about his books, the horror genre and more. Enjoy.

Interview with Jacob Rayne

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I’m a huge fan of horror and heavy music. I love rollercoasters and anything that gets the adrenaline pumping. According to my friends I have a knack for telling really bad jokes. And I’m clumsy as hell. If it can be broken, I’ll manage to break it.

You’re primarily a horror writer. What appeals to you about that genre and what are your favourite aspects of writing horror?

I always remember watching horror films as a kid and getting a rush from them that I didn't get from any other type of film. I think the feeling of being scared makes you feel more alive which probably explains why I enjoy some of the things I do in everyday life. 
I love everything about writing horror but I guess my favourite bit is the action scenes. That’s what I find most interesting in films and books, so I try to keep a heavy emphasis on the action in my work.

Can you tell us a bit about your books?

Most of my books have a relentless pace. I like to cut out the long, shambling introduction and get straight to the carnage. I prefer short chapters (I discovered this as a reader: I came across a book with short chapters with cliff-hanger endings. I could not get through the story quick enough and the chapter length kept me saying, ‘Ah I’ll finish this one then go to sleep’. Fifty pages later…) and try to keep the scares coming all the way through. I try to write a book I’d love to read myself. I always find myself skimming when a writer is describing the weather or a character’s outfit for five pages. 
My aim is to scare the hell out of every reader as much as humanly possible. I want to get under their skin, into their heads. I want them to lie awake at night, with something I've written still making them squirm.
One of the best compliments I've ever had was when a hardened horror reader told me that my novel, Becoming…, had given her nightmares. I’m still grinning about that six months later!

Horror can often be viewed as a violent and bloody genre. Where do you, as a writer, fall on the gore scale? Do you tend to tone down the blood and guts, in favour of more psychological scares, or do you feel comfortable with the splatter? Or do you include it how and if the story dictates?

Right at the deep end: I love the splatter! I think of a horror story like a good burger. You've got a nice juicy chunk of beef in a bun. Now that’s great as it is, but it’s much better with a generous dose of ketchup!
I do like psychological horror too; my novella, Digital Children, is a bit more restrained than the others, but I always find myself coming back to those stomach-churning, blood-up-the-walls style scenes. Again, I guess it’s because it’s what I enjoy in the work of others.

Can you tell us about your writing process?  Where do your ideas originate? 

The vast majority of the time I make it up as I go along. I've tried planning, but I find that doesn't produce an effective story for me. I've learnt to just start it, and let it go where it wants to go. Nine times out of ten, the story takes you to the right ending anyway and usually catches me by surprise in the process. It makes it a lot more fun for me and hopefully for my readers too.
As far as ideas go, they seem to appear and I sure am glad of them. The idea for Flesh Harvest, for example, just came from waiting for my wife at a spa in the middle of nowhere, very similar to the beginning of the story. The thoughts – What’s taking so long? How long should I leave it before I go in and check everything’s ok? Would anyone know we were here if anything has happened? – popped into my head and then the story was developed from there.
I've always been blessed with a hundred and one ideas (often appearing all at once). I wish I had the time to explore all of them. I tend to go with the most appealing one and just have fun with it.

What do you find most challenging about being a writer?

Definitely the promotional side of things. It makes me a bit uncomfortable pestering every man and his dog about my books, but it needs to be done, I guess. There’s a very fine line between keeping people updated and being all ‘Buy my book! NOW!’ every time you get on the internet. I’m not sure if I get that balance right, to be honest, but I do try to be considerate with it.

What do you enjoy as a pastime when not hard at work writing?

I spend a lot of time with my family. Apart from that, watching TV. 24 and Sons of Anarchy are my favourite shows ever. I’m a hopeless addict for both of those. Walking Dead is good too and I’m loving American Horror Story more with every episode.
I read, but not as much as I would like to. I tend to spend my downtime on my own work.
I love heavy metal, so there aren't many things in the house that don’t have that as a soundtrack.
I also enjoy playing guitar, eating and spending far too much time messing about on the internet.

Who (or what) has inspired you as an author?

One thing that has always stuck with me is the scene from The Shining with all the blood falling out from the elevator doors and flooding the corridor. It’s just such a powerful image and has stayed with me all these years. I’m sure my love of horror started with that film.
Reading a really bad book by a well-established author was a powerful motivator. It was a real ‘I can do better than this’ moment!
Other writers have been inspirational. Stephen King. It and Pet Sematary in particular. The late, great James Herbert and Richard Laymon. And I’m getting a good collection of Shaun Hutson’s now too.
Tarantino films. I love his style, the dialogue and the action scenes. He’s cool as a cucumber!

What’s your next project?

I’m currently working on the sequel to Flesh Harvest, one of the first books I released. A lot of my readers have said that’s their favourite, so it’s time to give them chance to catch up with old friends.
The blurb is:

‘Ex-policeman Thomas Campbell is struggling to come to terms with the horrific events that took place in the barn last summer. 
But his nightmares are about to again become reality. 
The thing in the barn bred…
And its offspring are ravenous.’

It should be available for pre-order very soon.

I'd like to thank the author for joining us today, and you can find out more about Jacob Rayne and his books at his website or on his Amazon page.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Book Spotlight: Boogerman’s House

Today, I have another book spotlight for all you eager readers, this time featuring the horror novel Boogerman’s House by Dax Varley.

Boogerman’s House by Dax Varley

Boogerman’s House has a history – murder, mayhem, suicide. All who live there fall victim to its deadly hold.

When Teagan, Ryan, and Will go after a killer article for the school paper, they figure staying one night can’t hurt. And what better night than the anniversary of the first slaying?

But the boogerman plays fiendish tricks. The three face deadly ghosts, past demons, and a house that is unforgiving of their former sins.

You can find Boogerman’s House at Amazon

Author Bio: 

Dax Varley writes the kind of young adult novels she wishes were around when she was a teen. She's a lover of humor, horror and all things paranormal.

When Dax isn't writing, she's collecting odd photos online, reading recaps of her favorite shows or kicked back with a good book. She lives in Richmond, Texas with her husband, a shelf full of action figures and about a dozen imaginary friends.


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Drabble Wednesday: The End of Worlds

On today’s Drabble Wednesday we journey to worlds of fantasy for some divine retaliation…


His skeletal hand touched my shoulder, his tattered cloak cast its shadow around me. My hands trembled, and the sand in the hourglass I held tilted slightly. He had arrived, my sweet harbinger, my Death.
“It’s time, then?”
“Yes.” I could hear the hint of mirth in his voice.
I smiled, and tossed the hourglass.
It tumbled in freefall, the sunset rays glinting off its surface, until it smashed against the earth. A crack appeared beneath the remains, and another, as a world began to die.
We waited patiently, then Time and Death walked hand in hand through the ruins.


Blood on the snow.”
The words, from an ancient poem, came unbidden as Ryn stared at the crimson stain seeping into frozen ground. She sliced Akai's throat easily, with one practised stroke, and ended his friend’s life without hesitation. Ryn wiped away his forming tears.
“Am I the next to die?”
The dark creature in leather armour and swords smiled. “Have you also angered the gods?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“Then your life is not forfeit to my blade.”
Ryn bowed his head as thick, inky smoke engulfed her, taking Nbea, Bringer of Death and Vengeance, back to her realm.


An auburn radiance melded into the dark storm clouds, a blend from the fiery hues of the sunset, and the reflection of the flames consuming parts of the city. The gods had judged Irytajin and deemed it imperfect.
Seri and her child, dressed in elegant, rain-soaked robes, stood atop a neglected dais, as the waters lapped ever higher on the steps. They attempted escape, until the seas slammed their boat into this temporary refuge.
Seri let go of her son’s hand, and opened her parasol. She hummed as the waters swept her boy away, and calmly waited for her turn.

Just a note: Drabble Wednesday will be preempted next week to bring you a stop on the blog tour of the new fantasy anthology, The Toll of Another Bell.  Be sure to check back for a peek at the book, and my review.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Book Spotlight: Mental Damnation: Dream

Today on the blog, I shine the spotlight on another intriguing book, this time the dark fantasy Mental Damnation: Dream by Konn Lavery, the first volume in a series. Enjoy.

Mental Damnation: Dream by Konn Lavery

Mental Damnation: A brain disease that causes horrific hallucinations, paranoia and schizophrenia. Normally this disease is only seen in humans, but an underworld reptilian named Krista has been infected and is discovered in the Kingdom of Zingalg under strange circumstances.

She becomes a key interest of two men, Paladin and Dr. Alsroc, who struggle to cure the nightmarish disease. Krista finds herself torn between two worlds, gaining acceptance amongst the humans of Zingalg while fighting to survive in the hellish dream world of Mental Damnation. Or is it reality?

Inside this uncertain realm known as Dreadweave Pass, Krista is being hunted down by the realm’s ruler – a corrupt god known as the Weaver who wants her blood for his retribution plot against the Heavens that once banished him!

You can find Mental Damnation: Dream on Amazon

Author Bio:

Writing has always been a fascination of his since he was a kid and his long term goal is to be a full time fiction writer. When he was young, he was inspired to write after watching movies or playing video games because he wanted to create the same awe factor that the movies/games brought him. Konn was part home schooled in high school and found it gave him flexible time to spend on his hobbies, such as drawing and writing.
One feature he enjoys about writing is the ability to share a story/moral with people, and it can be delivered in varying narrative contexts such as board game creation, cartooning/storyboarding, comics and video games. He's always been a fan of mixing media to tell a story, which is why for Mental Damnation he included a lot of visuals through the glyphs and illustrations. Even though they are not key elements to the story they supply extra/different content for the readers.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Drabble Wednesday: Circus Macabre

Today on Drabble Wednesday I've run away and joined the circus, but not just any circus. No, I bring you a carnival of the gruesome, a dark and wicked place full of the strange and morbid. And whatever you do, don’t talk to any clowns…

The Ringmaster

“Come one, come all!
“Welcome to the Circus Strange!”
A voice echoes, as a crowd of people push into a sprawling circus tent, and take their seats.
“Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!”
A spotlight shines on the centre ring and the man standing there.
“Let me introduce myself. I am your host.
“I am the Ringmaster!
“To your eternity!”
Confusion mutters and sputters through the gathered throng.
“Arise my hungry pets, time to start the show!”
From the shadows creep a horde of fanged and slavering beasts.
“Begin the feast!
“Oh, and my condolences, ladies and gentlemen, on your untimely deaths.”

The Acrobat

You see her, high above the sawdust covered floor. She floats, as if on gossamer, a mortal angel spinning on a hoop. She twinkles, the starry spangles in her costume shining their light on an earth-bound below.
She waves, blows a kiss, and smiles. A strange sensation inundates your body. You hear her voice, a dulcet whisper in your ear.
Fly with me.
Someone tugs your arm as you rise, you hear the shouts, but you still run, you climb the acrobat’s ladder to reach her.
Fly with me.
“Yes.” You whisper to her, and jump.
But you cannot fly.

The Clown

Hello, my little darling. You’re such a pretty child.
Where are your parents? Oh, you’re lost?
So sad. I’ll cheer you up. Would you like to see me perform?
No? Why? Oh.
Well, don’t  be afraid.
What’s a circus without a clown?
I’ll show you tricks, make you laugh.
There now, that’s better . Scoot a bit closer, closer.
Now watch me juggle.
Ow, ouch! The balls fell on my head. Oh, such laughter!
You want more? I have more. Just over there.
That’s right, come with me. Take my hand.
Such a pretty child.
You’ll make a tasty dinner.

Fortune Teller

You step past the flap into his tent. The scent of  old canvas, cologne, and rum assails your nose. He waits, seated in a wooden chair, facing a round table. No words are said, you merely sit opposite him. You study him, the rakish top hat upon his head, the deck of cards in his hand.  Not a typical fortune teller.
With dexterity he shuffles. His fancy moves impress, despite your misgivings.
He deals the cards. Then his hand clutches your wrist. He speaks.
“You cannot change you fate.  Tonight you die.”
He smiles, before flashing his knife.
You scream.

And here’s a bonus poem, to leave to you with nightmares…

Circus of the Insane

Enter, enter to see the Show
and welcome to the Center Ring
of our Pain.

We do things a bit differently
here in this Big Top, at the Circus
of the Insane.

There are no acts of daring do,
no, we run a horror show and mess
with your Brain.

Admittance is your freedom;
allow me to strap you to your seat.
May Madness Reign!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Interview with Jayra Almanzor

Today we have an interview with a talented new author, Jayra Almanzor, who is here to chat about herself, and her new YA science fiction book, Stygian Rift.

Interview with Jayra Almanzor

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

Hello everyone! My name is Jayra Almanzor and I am a writer and student from Canada. Let’s see… where to start? Well, I really like bitter gourd, for one, and window-shopping!

You've written a science fiction novel, Stygian Rift. Can you tell us a bit about the book?

Stygian Rift is a YA novel about a young boy named Robert who one day wakes up in an eerie chamber. He then realizes that this is no ordinary chamber — it’s a monster-filled chamber designed exclusively to get rid of the world’s population.

Why did you decide to write a novel in the science fiction genre? Is there a particular appeal for you?

Nothing but my love for science and current events, I guess. The thought of the world overpopulating (considering how we already have about seven billion people) just gets to me.

You also write in other genres. Do you have a preferred favourite or do you find each genre has its own enjoyable aspects?

Yeah! I write in other genres. I personally just stick to the Young Adult category paired with either fantasy or science fiction. However, as a guilty pleasure sometimes, I also like to write cheesy contemporary romances!

What do you find most challenging about being a writer?

Time management and procrastination. Sometimes, when I’m really inspired, I tend to write thousands of words in an hour. However, when I don’t feel like it but I think I should, I just write like one word in an hour.

What (or who) inspires your writing?

My parents inspire me the most about my writing. They encourage me to keep writing in order to reach my dreams.

You also create digital art. Do you find working in this visual medium enhances your writing? And if so, how?

When I don’t feel like writing, I like drawing and painting my stories’ characters and/or scenes because I think that I’m still “stepping in” to my stories, just in a different medium.

What are some of things you like to do when not writing?

I just watch Youtube videos! Sometimes when my ping isn't that high, I play League of Legends, but as time progresses and I start to lose some time on my hands, I think I’m going to refrain a bit from playing video games.

What’s your next project?

I have finished a fantasy novel a few months back and it’s still on its editing phase.  I guess going through publication and marketing for that book will be my next project!

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