Monday 10 January 2011

Q and A with fantasy author Jen Wylie

Today, please welcome talented fantasy author Jen Wylie as she stops by the blog to answers some questions and chat about her writing:

1- Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

I'm a stay at home mom of two darling boys. When I'm not reading or writing (or editing) I putter about with various crafts. Otherwise I try to to be Supermom and keep my chaotic house in some semblance of order. I suppose I should also note I live in Ontario, Canada. Yes we get a lot of snow. I dislike snow. :P

2- How long have you been writing?

I started writing in public school, but really got into it in high school. It was just something I wanted to do, needed to do. I have so many stories in my head and they need to come out. I did go to university and got a degree, however things happen, as they tend to do, and I ended up being a Mom rather than finding a career. I wouldn't change that for the world. I didn't write for a number of years when the kids were little but once they were a bit older, and my brain started functioning again, the need to write came back. Writing is something I can do from home, so I certainly lucked out there. :)

3- Can you to tell us about your current writing projects?

I recently finished a young adult fantasy book which has been submitted to my publishers. I'm currently working on a sequel to it. I'm also puttering at a few other books and short stories. I sometimes almost wish my mind would stop coming up with ideas for a while so I could get caught up. :) My second short story to be published in March is currently in edits, so that has been keeping me busy as well.

4- Why did you decide to write in the fantasy/paranormal genre?

I grew up reading fantasy and science fiction. My mother is an avid reader and before I even hit the teens she had me reading her Pern books. I love magic and other worlds and the unknown. Of course we can't forget to throw a little romance in too. :)

5- What is the hardest part of writing fantasy fiction?

The hardest part is stopping. There are so many things which can happen it is easy for a book to go on forever. I often have trouble finding an ending, even when I am planning a sequel. Many of my books have turned into a series, at least in the planning stages.

6- What kind of research have you done for your stories?

If I need to research I do so with the most wonderful Google. I rarely research in advance, but do it as I go. Since my books are all in worlds of my creation there often isn't very much I actually do have to research.

7- What advice would you give beginning writers?

Always keep writing. You can always improve, and practice helps this. Not only do you need to know how to write, but to edit. Research editing online, make sure you are using correct grammar and punctuation, be wary of being repetitive in your word use. If you can find readers or editors to go over your work then use them. Fresh eyes are always helpful.
If you are searching for a publisher I definitely recommend you create a web presence. Most either require this or it is an added bonus. Have a website, twitter, facebook, blog. Even if you aren't published yet you can gain followers over time. It is also an excellent way to meet authors, agents and publishers.

8- Who has inspired you as an author?

I don't really have any inspirations. I've just always loved reading and writing and it just comes to me. I have too many favorite authors to count, and too many supportive loved ones and friends to mention. :) I'm a lucky girl I guess.

9- What’s next for you?

Editing, editing, writing, editing... My next short story, The Forgotten Echo will be released March 1, and my fantasy novel Sweet Light in May, both through Echelon Press. I've a number of shorts and another book also submitted, and am writing away whenever I have the time on new work. I'm currently looking into getting a clone so I have time to mop the floors.

Here's the blurb for Jen's debut short story (available as a short e-book), Jump:

Jump by Jen Wylie

If you were told to jump off of a bridge would you?
Perhaps it would depend on who was doing the asking. Our heroine has spunk and a sense of humor, however suffers from an extreme case of inappropriate clothing. When things take a turn from dangerous to worse what will she do when fantasy becomes reality? Warning: May include hot leather clad men, singing and demons.

Jump is available at OmniLit :
Barnes & Noble:
and Amazon:

Jennifer Wylie was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. In a cosmic twist of fate she dislikes the snow and cold.
Before settling down to raise a family, she attained a BA from Queens University and worked in retail and sales. 
Thanks to her mother she acquired a love of books at an early age and began writing in public school. She constantly has stories floating around in her head, and finds it amazing most people don’t. Jennifer writes various forms of fantasy, both novels and short stories. Sweet light is her debut novel to be published in 2011.
Jennifer resides in rural Ontario, Canada with her husband, two boys, Australian shepherd a flock of birds and a disagreeable amount of wildlife.

Her website:
Her blog:

1 comment:

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Nice interview. Yes, editing is so important. In fact, God Bless editors.

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