Wednesday 30 April 2014

A Poem To Close Out National Poetry Month

I've been celebrating National Poetry Month over on Facebook (with one of my poetry groups), but I thought I'd do a last hurrah here as well. So for your enjoyment, a dark poem to chill your soul... 


Path of stones, pale bones
to carry them down
Hear the wild wind howl

The crow caws, give pause
Shadows shift around
Hear the wild wind howl

Wolf in white, need bite
savagery unbound
Hear the wild wind howl

A scream lost, in frost
countless echoes sound
Hear the wild wind howl

None to save, buried grave
The dead, in the ground
Hear the wild wind howl


anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. It is beautiful. I just love the way you write poetry.

A. F. Stewart said...

Thanks Francine, I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

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