Sunday 5 October 2014

The Killers and Demons II Blog Tour Begins Today

The week long blog tour for Killers and Demons II: They Return starts today, October 5th and runs until October 13th. I'm visiting some great blogs, and I have some wonderful guest posts, interviews, and book excerpts and spotlights lines up, so please stop by and enjoy. Plus there's a contest to win copies of the book.

Come one, come all, to a festival of murder and mayhem. 
We have killers, demons, witches and more, with bloody exploits galore.

Evil is back, with a greater appetite for death.

Sample what is offered, but be careful. 
What you nibble on may turn out to be somebody’s fingers…

Here are a list of the stops for my Killers and Demons II blog tour.

October 5:
The Cult of Me - Guest Post: Splatter and Gore vs. Psychological Horror

October 6:
The FlipSide of Julianne - Guest Post: Historic Settings for Horror 
Sheila Deeth's Blog - Guest Post: Nightmares
Dandilyon Fluff - 
Spotlight and Excerpt: Evil Returns  - What Fun!  

October 7:

October 8:
Ben Ireland's Blog - Interview

October 9:
Spreading the Writer's Word - Book Spotlight

October 10:
Joylene Nowell Butler, author - Guest Post: How to Write a Good Villain

October 11:
The Road to Nowhere... - Guest Post: Exploring the Appeal of Horror

October 12:
Pagan Spirits Book Blog - Guest Post: My Love Affair with Villains

October 13:
The Manicheans - Guest Post: Turning the Sweet, Sour


Ash Krafton | @ashkrafton said...

Best wishes on your tour! Can't wait to pick up my copy...

Cheers, Ash

A. F. Stewart said...

Thanks, Ash.

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