Saturday 12 October 2019

October Frights Day 3: Dark Poetry Corner

Today I bring you my Dark Poetry Corner, with three poems dripping blood...


Can you hear the drumbeats pound?
Thump, di di dum, thump, di, di dum
Calling, calling, against the midnight moon

Can you hear the drumbeats quiver?
Thump, di di dum, thump, di, di dum
Singing, singing, to raise the dead

Can you hear the drumbeats quicken?
Thump, di di dum, thump, di, di dum
Screaming, screaming with the darkened moon 

Now the drums fall silent
and the midnight air is still
The dead emerged from the dark
in blood have claimed their due


A reflection 
dancing in a silver mirror
A whisper 
floating past the staircase
An echo 
of footsteps in the hallway

You ignore what you can
tremble at the rest
You never thought...
You are afraid
Surrounded by 
the consequence
of what lingers
Surrounded by
your death

Shadow of the Grave

I can feel Death creeping ever closer. It lingers in the shadows, its footsteps outside my door. Soon I will hear the knock of its bony fingers and I will let it in. Then we will sit, Death and I, and talk as friends before I save good-bye to this mortal world.

In the night, knocking
A shallow breath, a cold shade
Hello, my old friend

And today I come bearing gifts as well. Until October 15 you can download one of my Horror Haiku books from Prolific Works for free!

Horror Haiku and Other Poems

Download for Free

So that ends today's post. Be sure to hop on over and check out the offerings of the other participants as well. Here's the list.

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